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A BI-MOTHL MAGAZINE FOR BIRD-LOVERS EDITED BY FRA M. CHAPMAN Official Organ of the .4udubon .ocieties ludubon Department Edited by Mabel Osgood Wright and William Dutcher Bird Lore's Motto: "A Bird in lhe Bush is }Vorlh Two in the Iland" If you are interested in birds, you will be interested in BIRD-LORE. Each number contains two or more colored plates, accurately figur- ing the male and female of several species of birds. together with numerous photograph of birds from life. The general articles and notes frnm field and study are interesting, stimulating and helpful; the book reviews, editorials, and Audubon Department informing, and, in short, the magazine is indispensible to every one who would keep abreast of present-day labors in the field of bird study and bird protection. Each number of BIRD-LORE contains a four-page teachers' leaflet, Red.ced acsimile of the reproduction of illustrated with a colored plate. All teachers subscribing to BED- LORE will receive, free of charge, two e.xtr.a. copies. of each of th. ese Ernest Thompson Setoh's drawing of the Bob-hite. Presented to every subscriber leaflets, two colored plates, and six fatstrade outhnes for colortag, to lol. VIII, 9o6, of Bird-Lore. The for use in their classes. original, printed on heavy plate paper, $x.oo a year; ate a Copy uilable for framing, is nearly life-sie. THE AIACMILLAN CO., 66 Fifth Avenue New York City or Box 655, Harrisburg Pa. The Warbler A Ourterly Ha. gazlne of Ornithology Will continue its series of attractive colored plates of eggs of rare North American birds, (species previously nn- figured) during 9o6. Among the sub- jects will be eggs of the Dusky Warbler, Gray and Santa Barbara Fly-catchers, Bicknell Thrush, Blue-throated Hum- mingbird and many others. Subvcriplion price $.oo per year Single copies 3oc The complete volume for i9o5, 8 pages, finely illustrated, with 8 elegant colored plates for $Loo. Address, THE WARBLEIK, Floral Parli, New Yorli The 0010ist A monthly publication devoted to Oology, Ornithology and Taxidermy. Published by Frank H. Lattin, M.D., Albion, N.Y. The oldest, cheapest and most popular "Bird" Publication in America. The best exchange and want columns. Question and answer Columns open to Collectors and Stndents in every branch of Natural History. An entire year with free 2Sc exchange notice coupon only 5- One yr's sucription, a cy oi our New Standard Catalone interleav for .ores and a copy of our New Pofolio of Bird Photos all postpaid [or $.. Sample copy on application. Address, IRNIST H. SHORT Editor and Manager CltI ItI, ..... NW Y01

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