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ENLARGED 'WITH UP TO DATE AND KE. LIAISLE 25,000 New Words and Phrases ALO ADDED New Gazetteer of tho World New Blogrmluhlcal Dictionary Ednor in Chief, W. 'L Harris, Ph,D., LL.D., United Slatea Commiutoner of Education, 2380 Quarto Pages. 5000 Illustrations. 18 A PKEO TORKHOUSK OF AOURATg INFORMATION. ]8o ebster'= 11eglate Ulctlo.y  Relar Edition 7 x 10x  inches.  bindings. [ De Luxe Edition  x 8 x 1  in. Pri{ed om { FREE, "Dictionary %rlnkles," also Illustrated lmphlt G.  C. MKIklklAM CO. blishers, Sprinield. ass.. U. . A. GET THE BEST WANTED Live Birds and Animals of the West Particularly California Condors, Cin- namon Teal and other Ducks, Mountain nall, Pacific Eider Ducks, Black Brant, Swan, Etc. Eggs of the above named species desired for hatching. DR. CECIL FRENCH 7t8 Twelfth St., N. W., Washington, D.C. SOUTHERN AND MEXICAN BIRDS' EGGS.--In choice cabinet sets with full and accurate data, for sale very cheap or to ex- change. The largest and most valuable collec- tion in the South, and a corps of competent collectors. Sea-shore sets a specialty. Stamp for list. Satisfaction guaranteed. DR. M. T. CLICKLEY, 457 Greene Street, Augusta, Ga. Xvhen replying to advertisements THE NEW MAMMAL BOOK California Mammals By FRANK STePHeNS Large octavo; 350 pages; illustrated; cloth bound. Describes all the known species and subspecies of California mammals, gives their general range and more or less notes on their habits. PRICE $$.5o, POSTPAID Published and for sale by the West Coast Publishing Co., 2299 Robinson Ave., San Diego, Oalifornia Ameriran !aluralis{ A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Natural Sciences in Their Widest Sense. Since its foundation in 2867 by four of the pupils of Louis Agassiz, TH AMERICAN NATURAL- IST has been a representative American maga- zine of Nalural History and has played an important part in the advancement of science in this country. The journal aims to present to its readers the leading facts and discoveries in the fields o! Anthropology, General Biology, Zoology, Botany, Paleontology, Geology and Mineralogy, and the various subdivisions of those subjects. Annual subscription, $4.oo net in ad- vance. Single copies, 35 cents. Foreign subscription. $4.6o. GINN COMPANY, PublisheTs Boston New York Chicago London

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