Young Barn Owls ............................. Photo by//. T. Bohhnan Frontispiece The Barn Owl and its Economic Value .......................................... .............................. ltz. L. Finley (5 photos by H. T. IBohlman) 83 The Percentage of Error in Bird Migration Records ................ [/ilmer Stone 88 Land Birds of San Onofre, California ............................. Joseph Dixon 9 ! Notes on Birds Observed while Traveling from Yokohama to Manila (with one line cut) .............................................. Richard C. 2;[cGrego' 98 ' 'Atratus versus Megalonyx". .................................. Robert Ridgway IOO NOTES AND NEXVS ........................................................ xoI Directory of Cooper Club Members ............................................. IOi Entered as second-class matter May 4, I9O6, at the post office at Pasadena, California, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Issted from The Office of The Cottdor, 871 No. I,ake Ave., Paadeaa, Cal. It0ys and Girls Ma_ainc A Nature PIalazine For Home and School ]eautifull Illustrated Contains Live, Interesting Nature Stories. FIF'I'Y CEN'I' A Send for sample copy Address, !0ys and Girls P4aazine ITHACA, NT. r. Camp Agassiz At Glen ,lpinc, above Lake Tahoe, Cal. In the Lake Tahoe Forest Reserve Is the key to a region unequalled for fishig and natural history pursuits. Ninth season. For beantiful booklet address the directors: W. W. Price, or Walter K. Fisher, Tallac, Lake Tahoe, Cal
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