Tachycineta thalassina lepida. Violet-green Swallow. Migraut; role of the most abundant birds in the locality, in March of both 9o5 and 9o6. Stelgidopteryx serripennis. Rough-winged Swallow. Migrant;several were se- cured on March 3 , i9o 5. Vireo gilvus swainsoni. Western Warbling Vireo. Not common; oue speci- nleu was secured May 28, I9O 4. Helminthophila celata lutescens. Lutescent Warbler. One migrant was se- cured March 26, x9o 5. Dendroica auduboni. Audubon Warbler. A few stragglers were seen dnring March, i9o 5 and i9o6; the majority had evidently departed. Geothlypis trichas scirpicola. Tule Yellowthroat. Commou in the tule patches. Mimus polyglottos leucopterus. Western Mockiugbird. Quite common among the "cholla" cactns where it breeds. Toxostoma redivivum pasadenense. Pasadena Thrasher. One individnal was seen ou March 25 , i9o6. Heleodytes brunneicapillus couesi. Cactus Wren. Several pair were seen in the cactus where a set of eggs was found March 27, i9o 5. Troglodytes aedon parkmani. Westeru 1touse Wren. Coiumon in the syca- IllOres where several nests were located. Beolophus inornatus. Plain Titmouse. A single individual was secured March 28, x9o6. Chamaa fasciata henshawi. Pallid Wreu-tit. One pair was seeu in the brush on the hillside iu March, i9o 5. Psaltriparus minimus. California Bush-tit. Oue flock was encountered in some willows May 29, x9o4. Sialia mexicana occidentalis. Western Bluebird. A nest with large young was found May 3 , i9o 5. 77troofi Pol),lechnic InsIllogic, tasadena, 1. Notes on Birds Observed While Traveling From Yokohama to Manila BY RICHARD C. 5CGREGOR VENTURE to offer the readers ofTg Cosr)oRthe following notes niade while traveling from Yokohama, Japan, to Hongkong, China, on the T. K. K. "America Maru," and from Hongkong to Manila on the steamer "Rubi." The point of particular interest is that while gulls were abundant at and between Yokohama and Hongkong none of them followed the ship to Manila. Larus ridi- bundus is the only gull known to occur regularly in Philippine waters; only one other, arus vece, is recorded, and this from a single specimen taken near Manila. Sea birds of all kinds are extremely scarce in Philippine waters; thus but two Tubinares and eleven Laridae are known from the Philippines against eleven Tubinares and twenty-one Laridae from Japan. Similar proportions are found when all the water birds are considered. McGregor and Worcester enumerate but ioi water birds in their "Hand-List of Philippine Birds" (x9o6), while more than twice that number are given by Seebohm in "The Birds of the Japanese Empire" (I89O).
yokohama Bay, February i9.--During our stay here we had very fine dear