A BI-MOIqTIIL MAGAZIIqE FOR BIRD-LOVERS EDITED n FRANK M. CHAPMAH Ocial Ogan of tilt A uduon udubon Edited by Mabel Osg Wright and Willm Dotchef If you are interested in birds, you w/11 be interested in BiRD-LoRE. Each number contains two or more colored plates, accurately figur- ing the male and female of several species of birds, together wth uumerous photographs of birds fromlife. The general articles and notes from field and study are interesting, stimulating and helpful; the book reviews, editorials, and Audubon Department infoming, and, in short, the magazine is indispensible to every one who would keep abreast of present-day labors in tbe field of bird study and bird protection. Each number of BD-Lo contains a four-page teachers' leaflet, illustrated with a colored plate. All teachers subscribing to BIRI- LOaE will receive, free o! charge, two extra copies of each of these leaflets, two colored plates, andsix aesimile outlines for coloring, /or use in their classes. $x. OO a year; aoc ,. copy Redced facsimileof the edlioa of rsl Tms See's drang of tke Bob-w&ile. esented to every subscribe to Fol. Flll, 6, o/ Bird-Lore. The iginal, inttd on kea plate par, suilable for fram;ng, i$ ear 0 life*sie. THE PIACMILLAN CO., 66 Fifth Avenue, New York City, or Box 655, Harrisburg, Pa. ', - o--.. "-.. THE WBLER OH Wl ID, Ol IH 15 Wh arblr begins new series wich will co.gain erb lored lats of tre Kirtland and Olivo Warbl,-r. Garolma et. lark's row. Ipsleh avd Rufou
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Galavets Warbler. etc. Alo sole.did iusttions el Bis and Nesls. aud lead- ing articles by wel knowt authorities. Rg8 of lland Warb!0r will he figured In fig issue an. or Feb. lot tim new series. The 0oloist A monthly publication devoted to Oology, Ornithology and axidermy. PubIra" heal by Frank H. I, attin, M.D., Albion, Iq. . The oldest, cheapest and most popular "Bird" Publication in America. The best exchange and want co?ureas. Question and answer Columns open to Collectors and Students in every branch of Natural History. An entire year with free exchange notice coupon only 5oc. One year's subscription, a opy of our New Standard Catalogue interFeaved for notes and a copy of our New Portfolio of Bird Photos all postpaid for $Lco Sample copy on application. Address ]RN]ST I. SHORT Editor and Manager ; When replyin to advertisemeuts,plea.e menti TIlE CONDOR