May, I9o6l
COMMUNICATION undertaken with any thought of personal gain. Prepared, thruout, with a view to the needs of the great host of younger bird students, the convenience of the scientific student has been as carefully borne in mind. And every possible effort will be made to keep the price of the work within the scope of humble purses. In the interest of al! sincere bird students and for the completing of my work on the "Nesting Ways of North American Birds," I greatly desire full and authentic data concern- ing the nesting of the following bird-races:-- Red-tailed tropic bird, northwest coast heron, southern California clapper rail, Gairdner woodpecker, Nelson downy woodpecker, southern white-headed woodpecker, brown flicker, Pacific nighthawk, Lower California flycatcher, northern spotted owl, northwest saw-whet owl, Queen Charlotte woodpecker, Queen Charlotte jay, gray jay, northern red- breasted sapsucker, California crow, San Diego redwing, northwestern redwing, Vera Cruz redwing, Rocky Mountain pine grosbeak, California pine grosbeak, large-billed sparrow, gray sage sparrow, California sage sparrow, San Diego song sparrow, Mendocino song sparrow, San Clemente towhee, Saint Lucas swallow, Island shrike, black-fronted warbler, salt marsh yellowthroat, golden pileolated warbler, Oregon Bewick wren, Barlow chick- adee, coast wren-tit, and Alma thrush. Data may be brief, but must be to the point and absolutely authentic. Credit will be given in the text and preface. P. B. PEABODY. Nezvcastle, lyoming; J/[arch 7, 9 o6. Minutes of Club Meetings NORTHERN DIVISION JANUARY.--No minutes were left by the former secretary before his departure so that the following is mainly a compilation. Club met in council room of Califorma Academy of Sciences, President Mailliard in chair. The following resolutions were adopted: "Resolved: That the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club heartily en- dorses and approves the action of the California Fish and Game Commission in its efforts for the protection and preservation of California birds." A copy of these resolutions was ordered to be forwarded to said Commission. "Resolved: That the Cooper Ornithological Club, with a knowledge of the skillful work- manship of the late Walter E. Bryant in the preparation of bird skins for scientific pur- poses, desires to recommend that special efforts be made to retain his collection within the State of California." The quorum for the Northern Division was raised to 9, and to I for the Club-at-large.
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Mr. Geo. W. King of Santa Rosa, Cal., was proposed for active membership by Lawrence Kessing. The followiug were elected to active mem- bership: W.L. Dawson, Louis Wessel, Miss Edith L. Waterman. The following officers for i9o6 were elected: President, Joseph Mailliard; Senior Vice-presi- dent, W. K. Fisher; Junior Vice-president, W. O. Emerson; Treasurer, H. T. Clifton; Secre- tary, C. S. Thompson [since resigned]. ANNUAL DiNNER.--The Twelfth Annual dinner and meeting was held at Tait's Care, San Francisco, Cal., Jan. r3 at 8 p.m. The following were present: Dr. A. K. Fisher, Washington, D.C., R. C. McGregor, Manila, P. I., W. O. Emerson, H. C. Ward, H. W. Carriger, D. A. Cohen, Dr. F. W. D'Evelyn, Mrs..H.R. Taylor, Mrs. Jeannette Barlow, H. R. Taylor, C. S. Thompson, W. K. Fisher. At the close of the dinner, W. O. Emerson, on behalf of the club-at-large, presented W. K. Fisher, the retiring editor of THE CONDOR, witha handsome silver Loving Cup. This cup, which was made by Shreve & Co. from designs by Mr. Emerson, represents a condor's egg, uatural size, between two condors, stand- iug. A photograph was published in the last issue of this journal. Mr. Emerson made a few well-chosen remarks before the presenta- tion, and was responded to by Mr. Fisher. After an informal chat the meeting adjourned. MARCH.--The club met at the residence of President Mailliard, I8i 5 Vallejo St., San Fran- cisco, Cal., March IO; present, IO members and 3 visitors; President Mailliard presiding. The following proposals to active membership were made: Mr. Fran! M. Woodruff, Chicago, Ill.; Miss Bertha Russ, Ferndale, Cal.; Mr. Allan Brooks, Okanogan Landing, B.C.; Col. S.S. Hawkins, Portland, Ore.; Mr. Clark C. Van Fleet, 2020 Pacific Ave., San Francisco. The following resignations were accepted: Mr. R. H. Johnson, Mr. W. F. Sampson, Miss Anna Head, Mr. S. A. Barrett. Mr. Geo. W. King, Santa Rosa, Cal., was elected to active membership. The resolutions passed by the Southern Division, officially adopting the coming A. O. U. Check-list were discussed and finally ordered laid on the table. The office of secretary being, on motion, de- clared vacant, Mr. Hubert O. Jenkins, Stanford University, California, was duly elected. [Mr. Thompson's resignation, delayed in mails, ar- rived after the meeting.] Mr. Joseph Mailliard related his experiences in photographing birds during the past summer at Santa Barbara and illustrated his talk with numerous photographs. Mr. H. O. Jenkins described a collecting trip into the Santa Lucia Mountains, Monterey County, detailing with