Tell us to whom you wish to send BIRD-LORE {a bi-monthly magazine for bird-lovers, edited by Frank M. Chapman) for you during x9o6, and we will forward a card giving your name as donor, a beautiful, nearly life size drawing of the Bob-White, by Ernest Thompson Seton, and a free copy of our December, x9o5, issue containing x3 birds in color from drawings by Fuertes and Hotsfall and over xoo pages of text. A valuable present, easily made; whether to a bird- loving friend or to yourself. $x.oo a year; 5 subscriptions for $4.00 3 subscriptions for $3.50 THE OO FIFTH AVENUE /ACMILLAN CO., NEW ORli CITY WANTED Live Birds and Animals 0[ the West Particularly California Condors, Cin- namon Teal and other Ducks, Mountain Quail; Pacific Eider Ducks, Black Brant, Swan, Etc. Eggs of the above named species desired for hatching. DR. CECIL FRENCH Twelfth Street, N. W., Washington, D.C. The Ooloiist A monthly publication devoted to Oology, Ornithology and Taxidermy. Publis" hed by Prank H. Lattin, M.D., Albion, N .Y The oldesi, cheapest and most popular "Bird" Publication in America. The best exchange and want columns. Question and answer Columns open to Collectors and Students in every branch of Natural History. An entire year with free exchange notice coupon only Sac. One year's subscription, a copy of our New Standard Catalogue interleaved for notes and a copy of our New Portfolio of Bird Photos all postpaid for $1.oo Sample copy on application. Address ISRNI$ST H. SHORT ]ditor and Manager CHIYI, .... N[;W YOURS' ,Vhen replying to advertisements please mentton THE CONDOR