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IN THE CONDOR That there may be no misunderstanding regarding rates in these columns, the follow- ing explanation is giyen: Club Members only, are allowed one exchange notice free in each volume. All olhcrs are charged at the following rates One inch. per issue ........... $ .75 One-fourth p&e, per issue ....1.00 One-ball p&e, per issue ...... A slight advance over above rates is made for otide [mk cover and reductions for more than one insertion. These and rates for larger space may be learned on application to H. T. CLIiTON, Business lanager P. O. Box 404 PASADENA, CAl.. WANTED.--Collectors to secure small eggs with nests for me this coming season. Will give good exchanges in eggs and skins for same. HAROLD H. BAILEY, 32[ Fifty-fourth Street, Newport News, Va. LARGE COLLECTION of birds, eggs, nests, etc. Cost825o. Sacrificed for $25. S. TAYLOR, 2io 9 Allston Way, Berkeley, Calif. SOUTHERN AND MEXICAN BIRDS' EGGS.--In choice cabinet sets with full and accurate data, for sale very cheap or to ex- change. The largest and most valuable collec- tion in the South, an.d a corps of competent collectors. Sea-shore sets a specialty. Stamp for list. Satisfaction guaranteed. DR. M. T. CLCKLE, 457 Greene Street, Augusta, Ga. When replFing to advertisement I WANT the following magazines and am willing to pay either cash Or give good exchange for them. Auk, Vol. 1, No. 4. Wilson Bulle- tin, Nos. x, 2, 3 and 4. Oologist, Vols. I to V inclusive (March r875 to February r88r). Rockville, Conn. W. LEE CHAMBERS, Santa Monica, Cal. TO OOLOGISTS.--Having added to my egg resources by the purchase of the entire mag- nificen$ oological collection of Rev. J. M. Carroll, of Waco, Texas, will be in position this year to do some extensive exchanging. Have many southern sets; Icelandic; 337b, 362, 325, 326 , 324, 578, 349, 355, 356 , etc., etc. Want Kites, Whooping Crane, Roseate Spoon- bill, Wood Duck, Hooded Merganser, Limpkins, Grouse Waders, finer apteres, and many com- moner if exceptionally marked, as gulls, terns, murrelets, loons and shore birds. Also oc- casionally buy and sell. H. R. TAYLOR, Box 95, Alameda, Calif. I WISH TO PURCHASE skin of Bald or Golden Eagle, suitable for mounting. State cash price. RoBERSt P. SHARPLES, West Chester, Penna. TAXIDERMISTS ATTENTION.Southern sea-shore and land birds in the meat or skins. Very cheap for cash or to exchange for Ax sets. List for stamp. DR. M. T. CLECKLE, 457 Greene Street., Augusta, Ga. Do You Trade? If so send for sample copy of "The Trader," devoted entirely to exchanging. Mailed most- ly to collectors. Exchange notices  cent per word. Subscription 25 cents per year. F.T. CORLESS, 8O4 E. 4th St. N., Portland, Oreg. dense mention THE CONDOR

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