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Young Great Blue Heron ............................... H. 7]. Bohlman Prontispiece Herons at Home ................... liZm. L. Finley (3 photos by ]-/. T. Bohlman) 35 The Hermit Warbler in Washington .............................. .J. ]-l. Bowles 4o Summer Birds of San Francisco County, California ................ ,'lilton S. Ray Summer Notes from a Santa Barl:ra Garden (5 photos) ......... .foseph- lailliard 45 The Habits of a Mockingbird (I photo) ........................ /V. Otto Emerson $x "Atratus versus Megalonyx" ' .Robert Ridgway 53 Oceanodroma leucorhoa and Its Relatives on the Pacific Coast .. W. Otto Emerson 53 Methods of Filing Reprints ............................... Richard C. rcGregor 55 FROI FIELD AND STUDY Birds Vhose Notes are Imitated by the Western Mockingbird ............... ................................................. C. H. Richardson, Jr. 56 A Novel Find ........................................... F/illiam Gallaher Pacific Kittiwake in Southern California ........................ .jr. Grinll 57 Cannibalism in Owls .................................. C. H. Richardson, jr. New Bird for Amador County .............................. Geo. L. Kaeding 57 A Small Egg ............................................. Velson Carpenter 57 Pacific Eider in Washington .................................. dr. H. Bowies 57 Foolish Introduction of Foreign Birds ........................... .J. Grinll 58 NOTES AND NEWS ......................................................... 59 Minutes of Club Meetings ...................................................... 60 Application made for entry as second class mail matter. B!I2D GUIDE By CI-IESTE! A. !EED, B. S. It names the birds for you and pictures them in their natural colors HIS is a popular pocket guide and text-book to ALL THE LAND BIRDS EAST OF THE ROCKIES, from the parrots to the bluebirds. It is prepared especially for teachers and nature students, for use in the field. Every. bird is shown in NATURAL COLORS, including females and yotmg where they differ. It gives the range and habits of each bird, their songs as nearly as they can be written, and descriptions of their nests and eggs. It can easily be carried in the pocket, measuring but 3x5 inches. 2o pages, bound in flexible sock cloth, postpaid, for 50 Certls, or in flexible leather, 75 cents postpaid. We want agents in every city, town and school. Good commissions paid. Send for prospectus of BIRD BOOKS and sample copy of THE AMERICAN BIRD MAGAZINE. CHAS. li. IkEED, Roys and Girls Maazinc A Nature lqagazino -- For Home and School ]eautifully Illustrated Contains Live, Interesting Nature Stories. FIFTY CENTS A YEAR Send for sample copy Address, Iloys and Girls Mallaz/ne ITHACA, N.Y. When replying to advertisements please mention THE CONDOR

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