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7. Falco sparverius. American Sparrow Hawk. A rather common resident but I have never located any nests. 8. Asio wilsonianus. American Long-eared Owl. I shot one near Ingleside in May, I892. 9. 1Kegascops asio benditel. California Screech Owl. A not uncommon res- ident; no nesting record. io. Geococcyx californianus. Road-runner. One seen in the Golden Gate Park in May, 89. x x. Ceryle alcyon. Belted Kingfisher. Sparingly resident in the south- western corner of the county. 2. Colapres caret coilaris. Red-shafted llicker. A fairly numerous resi- dent; no nesting record] 3. Calypte anna. Anna Hummingbird. A very common resident; many nesting records. 4. Selasphorus rufus. Rufous Hummingbird. Observed in spring and early summer; no nesting records. 5- Selasphorus alleni. Allen Hummingbird. Not uncommon during the .sunimet; no nesting record. 6. Sayornis nigricans. Black Phoebe. Fairly abundant resident about the ponds and lakelets in the park as well as elsewhere in the county. I have found it nesting at several points. Several titnes I have uoticed a pair of these birds abtmt the wharves at North Beach. 7. Empidonax difficilis. Western Flycatcher. Very rare; I found a single nest in May,  892, placed among the overhanging bark stripsof an Australian gum tree (Eucalyptis) in the park. 8. 0tocoris alpestris actia. California Horned Lark. I have seen these birds near Ocean View at the county line where a few probably breed. I9. Aphelocoma californica californica. California Jay. The jay is a rather common resident but their numbers are diminishing within the park limits on account of the war waged on these birds by the officials. Several nesting records. 20. Corvus americanus hesperis. California Crow. The crow is an ex- tremely common bird on the opposite shores of Marin county and quite a few stray across the bay to the docks along the water front, the Presidio Reservation, and at times the Park. I do not believe any nest within the county, however. 2. Sturnella neglecta. Western Meadowlark. Seen near Golden Gate Park on several occasions, but more common in the fields near Ocean View where a few perhaps breed. 22. Icterus bullocki. Bullock Oriole. A rare summer visitant; nesting doubtful. 23. Euphagus cyanocephalus. Brewer Blackbird. It seems strange that this bird so common in all the adjacent counties should only be an irregular visitor wholly absent some years. 24. Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis. House Finch. A very common sum- mer resident; many nests observed. 25. Astragalinus tristis salicamans. Willow Goldfinch. A fairly abundant bird in the summer; found nesting. 26. Astragalinus psaltria hesperophilus. Green-backed Goldfinch. A com- mon breeder. 27. Passer domesticus. European House Sparrow. Naturally the common- est bird in the populated districts; but I think their numbers in the park and bal- ance of the county are exceeded by that of the following species. 28. Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli. Nuttall Sparrow. This is the charac-

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