Climbing one of tile other trees, the photographer put up a tiny platform in the top-most branches, where he camera was fastened and aimed downward at the aerie twenty feet away. Nor vas it an easy matter to photograph in the top limbs of that sycamore, where all ill-judged movement might land camera and all i, the bed of the canyon. But for .six different trips, extending over a period of two months and a half, we took pictures from this position and other nearby limbs. Our work at the eagles' nest illustrates well the necessity of a good series of lenses when one is photographing in the tree-tops. Tile camera was fastened in a crotch in the adjoining tree, where it could not be moved forward or back. By adjusting the vide-angle lens, we could get a view of the nest and surrounding limbs, and at the same time have a depth of focus that showed the outline of the valley lying miles below. By the use of the regular lens, the nest was brought nearer tile camera, and still the sweep of the rocky sides of the canyon was re- tained. The single rear lens gave a different picture, narrowed down to the outer
end of thelarge limb containing the nest. Our telephoto lens had the power of