The Warbler
A Quarterly Mazlne of Ornithology Will continue its series of attractive colored plates of eggs of rare North American birds, (species proviously un- figured) during i9o6. Among the sub- jeers will be eggs of the Dusky Warbler, Gray and Santa Barbare Fly-catchers, Bicknell Thrush, Blue-Throated Hum- mingbird and many others. Subscription price $z.oo per year Single copies 3oc The complete volume for I9O5, x28 pages, finely illustrated, with 8 elegant colored plates for $I.oo. Address, THE WARBLER., Floral ParlX, New YorlX THE AMERICAN BIRD MAGAZINE Profusely illustrated with Photographs of Wild Birds from Life. lresh, inter- esting, and instructive Bird Literature. Everything original. ach number contains Ten 'niT'ds Natural Colors identifications Monthly, $I.OO per year Single Copies IO cents lveryone subscribing now is entitled to a Life - sized lnlargement of the iChippy l:'alaxily' in natural colors, on paper x2x2o inches. This is prob- ably the best photograph ever taken of an entire family of live wild birds. SPECIAL x x x To all who mention he Codor we will send VoL I and II, and sub- scriptions for x9o3, with the "Chippy l*amily," for $2.5o. Address Amcrican Ornithology M',$S o FOR THE - Blind STUDEHT It is to the advantage of any bird student to know about plants. It adds to his enjoyment of a. day in the field. THE AMERICAN BOTANIST Is the only untechnical magazine devoted to plants and though published in the East has many subscribers on the Pacific Coast. Get a sample copy and see why. Address, WILLARD N. CLUTE & CO. Binghamton, N. . WANTED Live Birds and Animals of the West Particularly California Condors, Cin- namon Teal and other Ducks, Mountain Quail; Pacfiic Eider Ducks, Black Brant, Swan, Etc. Eggs of the above named species desired for hatching. DR. CECIL FRENCH
718 Tweffth Street, N. W., Washington, D.C.