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The program was opened by the reading of a letter from Mr. H. S. Swarth, a club member, descriptive of his work for the Field Columbian Museum, Chicago, Ill. At the conclusion of this feature, Mr. Grin- nell entertained the Division in his usual, in- teresting manner, with a talk upon some features of his summer's work in the San Ber- nardino lountains. This was illustrated by ser- ies of specimens of the mudhen, cared grebe, Audubon warbler, the latter series being espec- ially interesting as showing changes in plum- age. The meeting then adjourned for an informal discussion of vacation experiences, and exami- nation of specimens. H. T. CLIFTON, Secretary. OCTOBER.--The Outing meeting was called to order by President Law at 8 o'clock in the dining parlors of the Newhall tIotel. Mr. Grinnell was elected Secretary pro leto. Ten members were present, namely: Messrs. Mor- eore, Lelande, Owen, Robertson, Iay, W. P. Taylor, O. W. Howard, Judson, Law and Grinnell. Messrs. W. B. Donnell and A. P. Itoward were present as visitors. The minutes of the September meeting were read and ap- proved. The names of V. B. Donnell and Chapman Grant were proposed for membership. A motion was made by Mr. Robertson,and unanimously carried by the meeting, that the President appoint a committee to include him- self and two others, for the purpose of draw- ing up resolutions of appreciation to be ten- dered to Mr. W. K. Fisher in recognition of his three years' service as editor of THE CON- DOR. The committee, consisting of Messrs. Law, Robertson and Grinnell, was instructed to report at the November meeting. Mr. Grinnell presented a plan to secure an illustrated lecture from Mr. V. K. Fisher to be given under the auspices of the Club at Throop Institute on the evening of December 7. The scheme met with the approval of the meeting, and arrangements were left iu the hands of Mr. Grinnell. The Committee on Ameldments, after pre- senting its report, was dismissed. It was de- cided to be unwise to take any action along this line at present, so the report was laid on the table. The Land Committee, thru Mr. Judson, re- ported x2o acres situated in Fish Canyon, a tributary of the Sau Gabriel, as available, at least in part, for Club purposes. There seemed to be fair prospects that the Club would gain possession by donation. Finally Mr. Lelande was appointed to draw up a report on the ornithological results of this Outing to be published in a future issue of THE CONDOR. After adjournment the remainder of the evening was spent informally in recount- ing the day's observations, participated in by all present. J. GRINNELL, Secretary, pro leto. NOVEMEa.--The regular meeting for No- vember was called to order by President Law at 8:20 P.M. in the offices of Mr. Howard Robertson, 709 Bryson Block, Los Angeles, with fourteen members present. After the reading and approval of the minutes of the October Outing Meeting, the application of Edgar Park, Thather School, Nordhoff, Cal., proposed by Dr. T. S. Pahner, was taken up for its first reading. Chapman Grant and W. B. Donnell were elected to active membership, and the resigna- tion of Mr. Robert F. Jones, Santa Monica, Cal., was accepted. A brief report of the Land Committee, thru Mr. Judson indicated the clearing of title on the tract in Fish Canyon in a short time. Mr. Grinnell presented a report of the arrange- meuts made for the lecture by Mr. Fisher on Dec. 7, and the meeting in connection with the same. The program for the evening included talks by Mr. Willett upon some notes taken during a trip down the Colorado River from Needles to Yuma; by Mr. Frank Stephens upon experi- ences in the same region, in Arizona, and with mountain sheep in San Diego County; and by Mr. O. W. Howard upon the finding of the western evening grosbeak in the Catalina hountains, Arizona, with nests and eggs. A letter from Mr. George L. Kaeding of Gold- field, Nevada, describing the wild life in that desert region, completed the formal program for the evening. H. T. CLIFTON, Secretary. DECEMBER.--At the close of the lecture by Mr. W. K. Fisher, at Throop Institute, Pasa- dena, on the evening of December 7, the regu- lar meeting of the Division was held. I'resideut Law called the meeting to order at 9:3 P.M. with fourteen members and seven visitors present. After the reading and ap- proval of the minutes of the preceding meet- ing, Mr. Edgar Park was elected to active membership. The following nominatious for officers for the coming year were made: President, J. Eugene Law, Hollywood, and O. W. Howard, Los Angeles; Vice President, W. B. Judson, Los Angeles; Secretary, J. Eugene Law, Holly- wood; Treasurer, W. Lee Chambers, Santa Monica. Mr. Robert Ridgway, of Washington, D.C., was unanimously elected to Honorary Member- ship, following the similar action of the North- ern Division. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Fisher for his interesting lecture given earlier in the evening.

H. T. CLXFroN, Secretary.

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