Jan., x9o6 ] NOTES AND NEWS 3x
of its success than that these two Cooper Club members have set their hands to the task. Mr. Dawson is the author of the lately published "Birds of Ohio," which was so well received, and he has also long been known from his various contributions to our leading bird mag- azines. Mr. Bowles is well known to CONDOR readers as author of numerous articles dealing with the nesting habits of Washington birds, often accompanied by photos of unusual merit. We understand that in the new work, descrip- tions of nests and eggs are to be largely from the pen of Mr. Bowles. Three editions of the"Birds of Washington," are to be published, an Original Editiou, limit- ed to 500 copies, a Large Paper ',! Edition, limited to 200 copies, and a Patron's Edition, DeLuxe, limited to zoo copies. These will cost ten, twenty-five and fifty dollars respect- ively, and only those copies engaged before date of publication will be issued. The .book will be a complete,] scientific and popular account of the 35 species of birds found in the State of Washington, and will contain, in addition, analytical keys, check lists, migration tables, representative local lists, indexes, etc., of interest to the casual reader and invaluable to the student. The work will be in two volumes, printed npon 2o-pound enameled half-tone paper, with pages 7 3-8 by o 3-8 inches in size. It will contain about 900 pages, beside ten full-page illustrations upon specially prepared paper. The text will be adorned by more than 300 half-tone cuts from photographs taken in Washington, exhibiting nests, eggs and favorite haunts, as well as many portraits of birds from life. ' It is expected that "The Birds of Washing- ton" will be ready for delivery, Dec. I, 19o7. Any of our readers who wish further informa- tion in regard to the work, or the terms of sub- scription, can doubtless obtain the desired data from either of the authors.--J. G. John S. Burchain, a member of the Cooper Ornithological Club, was drowned in Yes Lake River, between the lake and Yes Bay, Alaska, Sunday, November I2, I9O 5. With two com- panions he attempted to descend the river for the purpose of fishing for king salmon in Yes Bay. Their skiff capsized in the danger- ous current and Mr. Burcham perished, his two companions reaching shore only with the greatest difficulty. Mr. Burcham received the degree of A. B. from Stanford University in 9o2, and that of A. M. in i9o 3. After leaving college he was employed by the Canadian Fish Commission in British Columbia, where he studied the breeding habits of salmon, and subjects related to salmon propagation. At the time of his death he was an assistant in the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. While at college he was a mem- ber of the Zoology Department and was a student of promise. He was a member of the Society of the Sigma Xi.--W. K. F. Minutes of Club Meetings NORTHERN DIVISION. NOVEMBER.--The Club met this evening in the Council Room of the Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Vice President Swett occupied the chair and seventeen members and one vis- itor were present. The following applications for membership were read: W. L. Dawson, Univ. Station, Seattle, pro- posed by J. H. Bowles; Lonis Wessel, Butte, Mont., proposed by W. K. Fisher; Miss E. S. Waterman, 728 Paru St, Alameda, proposed by Joseph Mailliard. Mr. Robert Ridgway of Washington, D.C., was elected to honorary membership. (Approved by So. Div., Dec., I9O5.) The resignations of A. L. Bunnell and Bliss Alice Jenkins were read and accepted. Nominations for officers for i9o6 were made as follows: President, Jos. Mailliard, H. C. Ward; Senior Vice President, W. K. Fisher; Junior Vice President, W. O. Emerson; Treasurer, H. T. Clifton; Secretary, Chas. S. Thompson, D. A. Cohen. Mr. Thompson spoke regarding the annual diuner of the Club, and on motion of W.K. Fisher he was appointed to make ar- rangements for the entertainment of the Club. Mr. R.C. McGregor of Calayan (near Borneo) spoke at length on "Distribution of Birds in the Philippine Islands." Mr. McGregor also . exhibited a series of fine skins of Philippine flycatchers, sun-birds and paroquets, and answered many queries regarding bird-life in the Islands. Adjourned to meet January i3th in Sau Francisco. Business meeting to be held at the Academy of Sciences and the annual dinner at Tait's Cafe. CHAS. S. THOMPSON, Secretary. SOUTHERN DIVISION SEPTEMBER.--A special meeting was held on the evening of September 2i at Throop Insti- tute, Pasadena. President Law presided and fifteen members and four visitors were present. After the reading and approval of the minutes of the June meeting, Mr. C. K. Knickerbocker, 5o3 Western Union Building, Chicago, Ill. ,'was elected to active membership. A letter from the Board of Fish Commissioners received by the Secretary. acknowledging receipt of the resolutions from the Southern Division and ex- pressing appreciation of the action, was read and ordered filed. A discussion of the plans for the October Out- ing Meeting, resulted in decision for October 21-22, as dates of meeting and while the bal- ance of opinion' seemed to favor Mr. Wilson, the decision was left with the committee ap- pointed at the June meeting. Messrs. Grinnell and Clifton were appointed a committee to consider suggested changes in the Constitution of the Club and draft such ideas in form suitable for presentation to the