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An Illustrated Magazine of Wesfern OrniJhology Published Bi-monhly by be Cooper Orniholol- eal Club of California JOSEPH fi!IIIIIELL, Editor, Pasadena 171. T. CLIFTOB, Business Manager, Box 404, Pasadena WILLIAM L. FIIILEY, WALTE! K. FISrlEIZ, Associate Editors Clara, California: Published .[an. 20, 1906 Price in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and U.S. Colonies one dollar a year; single copies twenty-five cents. Price in all countries in the International Postal Union one dollar and a quarter a year. Subscriptions should be sent to the Business Manager; manuscripts and exchanges to the Editor. Entered Jan. , 1906, at Santa Clara, Cal., as second-class matlet. NOTES AND NEWS Not since ;896 has there been an election to Honorary membership in the Cooper Orni- thological Club. As a result of the unanimous action of both Divisions, Mr. Robert Ridgway, of Washington, has just been added to our Honorary roll. It has been the sense of every- one that the Club could in no better way ex- press its recognition and appreciation of Mr. Ridgway's lifework in ornithology. Chas. A. Nace, of Santa Clara, has printed every issue of THE CONDOR from the begin- ning. Nace's shop was a small affair eight years ago; but it has grown into a large estab- lishment, provide(! with all the modern appli- ances to insure good work. Nace will continue to publish THE CONDOR. Mr. Louis Agassiz Fuertes has issued a Game Calendar, composed of reproductions of paint- ings of American game birds. Mr. William Brewster's extensive work on the birds of Cambridge, will soon be issued as a memoir of the Nuttall Ornithological Club. At the recent meeting of the American Or- nithologists' Union Mr. F. M. Chapman ex- hibited a new appliance for projecting images of solid objects, such as engravings, photo- graphs and mounted butterflies, onto a screen. The machine is said to work very successfully, reproducing color and irridescence faithfully. Dr. A. K. Fisher is spending a few weeks in California, and attended the Clnb's Annual Dinner in San Francisco, January 3. Mr. F. H. Fowler is stationed at Yuma, Arizona, and is engaged in engineering work on the new government dam. Mr. F. A. Lucas since becoming director of the museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts J Vol,. VIII and Sciences has arranged numerous valuable comparative anatomy preparations and ex- hibits. Dr. D. S. Jordan and Mr. W. L. Finley were western members of the Club who attended the recent A. O. U. Congress in New York. Finley's slides are described as being ex- ceptionally fine. Dr. A. K. Fisher and W. K. Fisher spent Christmas week ornithologizing at Monterey Bay, and at Alta, Placer County. Mr. H. B. Kaedlng has recently returned from his Alaskan trip. The Academy of Sciences Expedition on the schooner "Academy" to the Galapages Archi- pelago has been heard from several times and ishaving remarkably good success in all lines of work. The above is, we believe, the first likeness of our ex-editor, Walter K. Fisher, to appear in any magazine. Consequently we take plessure in prese.nting it on this editorial page, where his straight-forward comments on current topics have so often appeared for the past three years. Mr. Fisher has distinguished himself by a gen- eral levelheadedness which has won respect from all parts of the ornithological world, Doubtless it is largely due to his success as editor of THE CONDOR that Mr. Fisher has been recently elected to Fellowship in the American Ornithologists' Union. We have lately received a prospectus of an ornithological work to be known as "The Birds of Washington," which, if successfully completed, will prove the most elaborate nn- dertaking ever carried out in the West. Mr. William Leon Dawson, of Seattle, and Mr. J. H. Bowles of Tacoma, are behind the enter-

prise, and we could have no better assurance

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