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Professor Cooke, in his Second Appendix to the "Birds of Colorado," speaks of what he calls "a queer state of affairs" regarding the occurrence of this species in this State, and notes that at first it was supposed to be very rare, and then it was found to be common in the cedars, and at the time of the publication of this appendix the birds had found their way to lhe Arkansa:, River at Rocky Ford. My observations show that they are common in the cedars and that they are still working east. x3. Tympanuchus Sp. Prairie Hen. I was told there were but few prairie hens in BacaCounty. One was killed near Springfield early in x9o5, and Mr. Arthur Johnston told me he had seen one near the ranch at Morion. These birds may have been either americants or pallidicinctus, or even not prairie hens at all, but sharp-tailed grouse, but I am inclined lo believe they xvere some Species of prairie hell. x4. Meleagris Sp. Wihl Tnrkey. I made many enquiries about turkeys while in Baca County, and was told there were a few in the rough country to the southwest which would be in the southertl part of Las Animas County. Of course nothing could be ascertained as to the species or .subspecies. 5- Zenaidura macr0ura. Mourning Dove. Common. First seen April x7. Found a nest with two young near Springfield, May 30. The birds were found everyvhere, out on the prairie as well as aloug the streams among the trees. x6. athartes aura. Turkey Vulture. One was seen April xo, between Lamar and Springfield. They were common in the cedars and about Gaume's ranch. 7. Circus huds0nius. Marsh Hawk. The most common, in fact, the only common hawk. Seen frequently on the plains about prairie dog towns. I caught one in a dogtown, in a "Climax" rat trap baited with meat. x8. Aeeipiter ve10x. Sharp-shinned Hawk. Two taken, both on Bear Creek, near Springfield. One taken May  t had a freshly killed lark bunting in its talons which it dropped when shot at. It was so loth to leave its pray that a sec- ond shot was easily secured, also the bird. Its stomach seemed absolutely empty, which might account for its anxiety. 9. Falc0 sparverius. Sparrow Hawk. bXn at Lamar, Springfield and Morion. Have no note of its being seen later than -lhay 3- o. Asi0 wils0nianus. American Long-eared Owl. One was taken April x in the cottonwoods along Bear Creek, north (f Springfid]/i; the only one seen. Enquiries were made about screech owls, but I could not id a person who had ever seen one. . Bub0 virginianuspallescens. Vestern Horned Owl. Ithink it is rather common. One was seen at Buffalo Creek north of Monon, and I thought I saw one among tile trees on Bear Creek, near Springfield. At Gaume's ranch a pair had a nest ill a hole or small cave ill tile sandstone bluffs back of the corrals; the bluffs in fact formed the back wall of the corrals. From below, the old one and sometimes two young could be seen at the mouth of the hole. May 4, while on tile hill above and back of tile nest I found a young owl dead. Its body was still covered with down and the quills were about half grown out. There was nothing to indicate the cause of death. Alter that [ was unable to see anyof the birds about the nest. . Spe0tyt0 cunicularia hyp0gaea. Burrowing Owk Seen about prairie dog towns at Lamar, and at every place iu Baca County which I viated. 3. Ge0c0ccyx calif0rnianus. Roadrunner. Only seen at Gaume't ranch, bnt reported to me as found all over the county, but not common. Almost al-

ways spoken of as "chapparal."

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