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I9 mesa country covered with a cedar growth, and much broken 1)v shallow canyons cut through the sandstone country rock. The following list is much shorter than it might have been if I had devoted myself exclusively to birds, but I was collecting mammals also, and at every sta- tion my first efibrts were to secnre what mammals I could, then look after the birds. It will be noticed that I record but fev water birds, tho ducks are reported as being common on the creeks a little earlier iu the season. But few species of hawks were seen, the lack of timber no doubt keeping mauy species away. Sev- eral species of birds were also seen but not positively identified as no specimens were secured, and the field identification was not satisfactory. A number of specimens were sent to the Biological Survey for identification, and were examined and labelled by Mr. Ridgway; l wish to express ny thauks for this kindness. . (?uerquedula. discors. Blue-winged Teal. Two were seeu May 6 on Buffalo Creek, north of Monon, at such short range as to admit of no doubt of the species. 2. Spatula clypeata. Shovellet. Seen in water holes on the prairie between Springfield and Monon, and also in Bear Creek at Monon. 3. Ardea candidissima. Snowy Heron. Two birds were described to me as having been seen on the prairie near Springfield which I have no doubt were of this species. 4. Fulica americana. Coot; Mud-hen. Seen in a water bole on the prairie between Springfield and Monon, in company with shovellets. 5. Tringa minutilla. Least Sandpiper. Four seen May 2 on Bear Creek at Morion, and two secured. 6. Actiris macularia. Spotted Sandpiper. First seen ()n Bear Creek, near Springfield, May 3, when two were seen; noted occasionally after that. 7. Syruphernia semipalmata inornata. Western Willet. One taken April 28 at Monon; another seen at same place May 2. 8. Numenius longirostris. Long-billed Curlew. Seen' occasionally on the prairies when away from ranches. Is a summer resident, and I snppose breeds. 9. 0xyechus vociferus. Killdeer. Common everywhere. At Monon I saw a young one not long hatched, ol April 30. xo. Podasocys montanus. Monntain Plover. Rather common snmmer resi- dent; said to gather in very large flocks in the fall. xx. Colinusvirginianus. Bob xvhite. The only place where I saw any was about six miles south of Minton, where on the afternoon of May  I saw seven, three couples and one odd bird. They were hangin.,.., ont almig a locust wiud- break in a very sandy place beside the road. While I have assigned them totbe above species none were collected,and they may possibly have been /ex'atts, the Texas bob-white. I heard of no others in the county. x2. Callipepla squamata. Scaled Partridge. This species was seen at Lamar, where it was said to be common, at Springfield where only a few were seen, at Monon where it was common, and also at Gainhe's ranch. It is said to be common in the cedars. At Monon they have made their appearance within the last fourteen years, as both Mr. Johnston and his son Arthnr assured me there were none before that time. They are gradually working their way into KmlSas. Mr. W. M. Stewart told me lie had lived at Springfield seventeen years, and that the birds were not there when he first came, but he could not remember just when they made their first appearance. Apparently these birds have been grad-

ually working eastward from the cedars where they have always been resident.

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