one and which had an enormously broad top. spreading certainly more than i5o and possibly 200 feet) macaws, parrots and parrakects were exceedingly numerous and noisy, the species collected being .4ra macao, Imazona auripalliata, and .4. salvini, and Brologerysjugularis. A rare toucan Pleroglossus franlzii was also found, likewise .Troon hairalii, both of which were obtained. Several times we saw the snow-white cotinga with yellow bill (Carpodecles anlonie Zeledon) and although one was shot it could not be found. Among the biscoyal palms and tall ferns in more open parts of the forest, as well as in a clearing, grown up with bushes and tall weeds, the Pacific red-backed tanager-(Ramphocoelus costaricensis Cherrie) was abundant and as the National Museum possessed only one specimen of this bird, and that a young male, we of course collected a fine series. IN THE POTRERO AT COLILANCO The next place to engage our attention was Bonilla, on the Atlantic slope, whither we proceeded by way of the railroad to Limon, leaving the train a few miles below the town of Turrialba and walking from there to our destination, our outfit being transported on horses up the steep and rough mountain trial. Bonilla is an estate of 3ooo acres belonging t Don Francisco Lopez Calleja, who, together with his partner and manager, l)on Juan Gomez, of Turrialba, made every possible provision for our comfort and the successful prosecution of our work. Although Bonilla is in the hunfid so-called hot zone, its climate was by no means uncomfortable; but owing to the roughness of the ground and density of vegetation, collecting was very difficult except in the cleared areas. The latter (paireros or pastures), however, were wonderful places on account of the great-variety and abundance of birds and the ease with which they were procured. Macaws (both the large green one, .,Ira ambigua and the red, blue and yellow one,