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Bird-Lore [or Christmus Tell us to whom you wish to send BIRD-LORE _(a bi-monthly magazine for bird-lovers, edited by Frank M. Chapman)for yon during x9o6, and we will forward a Christmas card giving your name as donor, a beanfifnl, nearly life size drawing of the Bob-White, by Ernest Thom. pson Seton, and a free copy of our December, x9o5, ssue containing x3 birds in color from drawings by Fuertes and Horsfall and over xco pages of text. getin, on Christmas Day, and BIRD-LORE will fol- low, as publish, tughout e year. A valuable pent, easily made; wer to a bird-loving fend or  yourself. .oo a ar; for Cistmas 5 aubscrllona for 4.oo 3 bscrlloua for .2.5o  FIFTH AENUE TIIE A/iERICAN BIRD AtAGAZINE Profusely illustrated with Photographs d Wild Birds from Life. Fresh, inter- esting, and instructive Bird Literature. Everything original. ach number contains Ten !lirds in Natural Colors For identifications lonthly. $1.OO per year Single Coplea IO cents veryone subscribing now is entitled to a Life - sized nlargement of the "Clly FaroIll' in natural lo, on pr zx inches. Ts is prob- ably the st hotoaph er ken of an entire farofly of live wild birds. SPECIAL    To aH who mention "The Coud" we will send Vol. I and II, and sub- pfions f x3, th the "Cppy amily,"for .. Addre c Oology Year xa Toouea The Plant World An Xllustmted !iontMy Magastne of Pop- ular Botaay Establlsed 897 The Official Organ of the Wild Flower Preservation Society of America If you are interested m botany iTaa M WOD will interest you. If you are a teacher of botany,  Pttlfr WORLD will help y. THE PLANT WORLD 11 ke y in t th me nil thot. ofen of o T Collet, Columb Uvey, N York Send for a Sample Copy

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