Mearns I37 Palmer 49, 8 Sage xox, 37 St. Lucas 37 Thrush, Dwarf Hermit 82, io2, 38 Monterey Hermit 43 Sierra Hermit x39 Varied 9, 69, 82 Thryomanes bewicki bairdi 5o, 8 drymeecus o spilurus 37 brevicaudus leucophrys 37 Tit, Bridled 8 Towbee, Abert 48 Anthony 36 Canyon 48, 8o Carm,n x36 Green-tailed I36 San Diego x42 Spurred 8o St. Lucas x36 Toxostoma bendirei 49, 8 cinereum 37 mearnsi x37 erissale 49 palmeri 49 leeontei ox arenicolum 37 redivivum pasadenense I3 Tringa canutus 4 Trochilus alexandri 27, 79 Troglodytes edon aztecus 8, o, 37 parkmani 3, x44 insularis x37 tanneri x38 Trogon bairdii 55 caligatus x56 clathratus 56 massena x56 puella x58 tenellus x56 Tropic Bird, Red-billed xo. 9 Red-tailed xo 9 Turnstone iii Black European 4 Tyrannus verticalis 3, 27, 53, 79, 34 vociferans 79 URIA troile californica 124 VERDIN 60, 8I 102 Baird 138 Vireo gilvus plumbeus 80 swainsoni 3, 39, 80 huttoni 82, o oberholseri 42 stephensi 80 pallens 54 pusillus 49, 8 albatus x3 solitarius cassini 3 Vireo, Cassin to Hutton 82, o Least 49, 8 Oberholser 142 Plumbeous 80 Stephens 80 Warbling xo Western Warbling 80 Vrooman, A. G., discovery of a second egg of the black swift x76 Vulture, California 56 Turkey 25, 78, WALLACE, Alfred R., letter on ornithological problems 63 WARBLER, Alaskan Yellow t43 Audubon 39, xox, 37, 4o Black-throated Gray 8x Connecticut 8 Grayson 37 Kirtland 8 Lucy 49, 8x Lutescent x37 Mangrove 54 Orange-crowned 55, xo Prothouotary 8 Sonora Yellow 49 Tennessee 20 Townsend 52 Yellow x37 Waxwing, Bohemian 52, 77, 98 Cedar 77 Whip-poor-will, Stephens 78 Willard, F. C., notes from Cochise Co., Ariz.; purple gallinule, Villet, Western Ho Williams, J. J., notes on the Lewis woodpecker, 56 Wilsonia pusilla pileolata 42, 7o Woodpecker, Ant-eating 78 Arizona 78 Cabanis 75, I39 Gila 27, 34 Lewis 56 Nuttall 75 St. Lucas 34 Texas 7, 75, 78 Three-toed 39 Wren, Baird 5o, 8 Bryant Cactus 37 Cactus 50, 8x, xox Canyon 5o, 8 Clarion Island 38 Dotted Canyon 37 Guadalupe 37 Guadalupe Rock 37 Parkman 44 Rock 8, o, 37 San Clemente x37 San Joaquin xo Sototto x37 St. Lucas Cactus 37 Vigors x37 Western House 8, o 37 Western Marsh o XANTHOCEPHALU$ xanthocephalus 76 YELLOWTHROAT, Belding x37 Western o, i37 ZAMELODIA melanocephala 80 capitalis 3 Zenaidura clarionensis i graysoni H macroura 3, 24, 78 Zonotrichia albicollis 82 leucophrys 39, x36, I4 gambeli 76, 36 leucophrys 6 nuttalli H3, 142