Sayornis nigricans I3, 76, 35 saya 75, 79, [34 $clater, P. L., letter on ornithological prob- lems 63' Scoter, American 69 Surf o White-winged 69 Seedeater, Morellet's I54 Selasphorus rufus 59 Selenidera spectabilis x56 Setophaga picta 8x, [44 Shearwater, Black-vented xo7 Dark-bodied xo8 New Zealand o8 Pink-looted xo7 Townsend o8 Wedge-tailed o8 Shrike, California 77, 37 White-rumped 49, 80, 142 Sialia arctica mexicana occidentalis 3, o2, 43 Silloway, P.M., notes from Flathead, 9o4, 9; the American crossbill in Montana 74 Siskin, Pine 76 Sitta canadensis 38 carolinensis aculeata 13, xo2 nelsoni 8 Snipe, Wilson 74 Solitaire, Townsend [o2, [38 Sparrow, Belding Marsh 35 Bell 36 Black-throated 8o Brewer x36 Bryant Marsh 42 California Sage [8, 76 Clay-colored 36 Desert 48, 36 Forbush 77 Intermediate 76, 36 Lagoon [36 Large-billed 35 Lincolu 6, 39, 36 Merrill Song 76 Mountain Song 76 Nevada Sage 76 Nuttall x42 Rufous-crowned 53, 36 San Benito 36 San Diego Song 76 Scott 80 Slate-colored Fox x42 Stephens Fox 4o St. Lucas 36 Thick-billed 7 Western Chipping 76 Western Lark 48, 76, 36 Western Savanna 76, 35 White-crowned 6, x36, x42 White-throated 82 Yakutat Fox 142 Speotyto cunicularia hypogea 34 rostrata x34 Sphyrapicus tuber notkensis 7o thryoideus 14o Spinus pinus 76 Spizella breweri I36 pallida x36 socialis arizone 76 Stejneger, L., do birds migrate along their ancient immigration routes ?, 36, problems in ornithology--letter 63 Sporophila morelleti 54 Stercorarius longicaudus 4 Sterna elegans o7, x4 fuliginosa o 7 hirudo [4x maxima o7 Stone, W., notice of his paper 'On a Collection of Birds and Mammals from Mount San- bedtin, California, I47 Stork, Japan Strix pratincola x3, 74, 34 Sturnella magna neglecta 35 neglecta 76 Sula brewsteri o 9 cyanops o9 piscarix websteri o 9 Swallow, Bank 49 Barn 37 Cliff 52 Tree 42 Violet-green Swarth, H. S., summer birds of the Papago Indian Reservation and of the Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona, 22, 47, 77; a correction, 44; atratus versus megaloyx I7 Swift, Black 76, 77 Chimney 77 Vaux 77 White-throated 27, 78 Syruphernia semipalmata inornata o Synthliboramphus antiquus x4 TACItYCIIgETA bicolor 42 thalassina lepida 3, 39 Tanager, Cooper 49, 8o Hepatic 8o Pacific red-backed 53 Tatlet, Wandering o Taylor, H. R., the nest and eggs of .the Vaux swift 77 Teal, Cinnamon 44 Green-winged 74 Telmatodytes palustris plesius o Tern, Black 43 Common 141 Elegant m7, 4I Forster 43 Royal o7 Sooty o 7 Thrasher, Bendire 49, 8 Crissal 49 Desert 37 Leconte IO