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Melanerpes formicivorus aculeatus 78 bairdi x3 Melopelia leucoptera 25, 78, HI Melospiza cinerea cooperi 76 heermanni I3 merrilli 76 montana 76 fasciata guttara 83 lincolni x6, 39, x36 striata 77 Members of the Cooper Ornithological Club, Directory of 86 Merganser serratot I xo Merganser, American 69 Red-breasted 11o Merlin, Black 70 Richardson 142 Merula confinig 38 migratoria propinqua 39, 56 38 nigrescens x58 Microchera parvirostris I57 Micropallas graysoul 134 whitneyi 26 Miraodes graysoul x37 Mimus polyglottos leucopterus 49, 55, 8, o Minutes of Club Meetings 85, 5, 79, 8o Mocker, Socorro 37 Mockingbird 55 Western 49, 8, Molothrus ater obscurus 48, 79 Murre, California 24, 67 Murrelet, Ancient Marbled 69 Xantus xo7 Myadestes townsendi 39, o2, I38 Myiarchus cinerascens x3, 28, 79 cinerascens H3 pertinax 34 lawrencei olivascens 79 mexicanus magister 28 N;LSoN, E. W., notice of his 'Description of Four New Birds from Mexico, x46 Neomorphus salvini x56 Nettion carolineuse 74 Nighthawk, Texas 2,7 , 78, x34 Western 39 Noddy, Ridgway xo7 Notes and news 56, H4, 48, 178 Nucifraga columbiana 39 Numenius hudsonicus x xo longirostris xto Nuthatch, Red-breasted 38 Rocky Mountain 8 Slender-billed Nyctalops wilsonJanus 74 Nyctanassa violacea  o Nycticorax nycticorax naevius 24 OCEANODROI%iA furcata I2 4 kaedingi IO8, I24 maerodactyla IO8 melania xo8 socorroensis xo8 Ochthodromus wilsonius Oddi, E. A.D., notice of his 'ManuaI di Orni- tologia Iraliana, I44 Oidemia perspicillata Olbiorchilus hiemalis pacificus 7o Oreortyx pictus plumiferus x4 Oreospiza chlorura x36 Oriole, Arizona Hooded 48, 79, 35 Bullock 48 Scott 79, 135 Oroscoptes montanus IO', x37 Ornithion imberbe ridgwayi 47 Osgood, W. H., in Alaska's rain belt, 68; notice of his 'A Biological Reconnaisance of the Base of the Alaska Peninsula, x47 Osprey, American I34 Otocoris alpestris adusta 79 ammophila 76 pallida I35 Otus flammeola i4o Owl, American Barn 73, American Long-eared 74 Burrowing x34 Clarion Island i34 Elf 26 Flammulated Screech 4o Great Horned 97 Mexican Screech 26 Pallid Horned 74 Sototto Elf x34 Western Horned 26 Oxyechus vociferus 74 Oystercatcher,' Black x x I, x24 Frazar I I i PANDION haliatus carolinensis x34 Panterpe insignis I58 Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi Paraquet, Socorro Island x34 Partridge, see also Quail Gambel 24, 78 Plumed x4 Scaled 77, H2 Parus atricapillus occidentalis 8 gainbell 43, 82, xo rufescens 7o wollweberi 8 Passerculus beldingi x35 rostratus x35 guttatus x36 halophilus x36 sanctorum x36 sandwichcrisis alaudinus 76, bryanti x42 Passerella iliaca annectens megarhyucha I7, x4  schistacea x42 stevensi x4o Pelecauus californicus xo 9 erythrorhynchos xo 9

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