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Nov., 19o5 I x8x

INDEX TO VOLUME VII ACClPITER cooperi 13, 25, 74, 7S, 144 velox 74 pacificus 78 rufilatus x4x Actiris macularia I xo Actodromas bairdi 141 minutilla xxo

Egialitis nivosa xxo

Aeronautes melanoleucus 27, 78, 134 Agelaius phceniceus neutralis 48 sonoriensis 48, 142 Aimophila rnficeps I3, 53, 136 scotti 80 Albatross, Black-footed Laysan xo 7 Amazilia fuscicaudata 154 Amazona auripalliata t55 salvini 156 virenticeps 156 Ampelis cedrornm 77 garrulus 52, 77, 98 Amphispiza belli 18, 136 canescerts 8, 76 deserticola 48, 8o nevadensis 8, 76 bilineata desertlcola 136 nevadensis canescens 9 Anas bosehas 74 Anous stolidus ridgwayi IO 7 Antbus pensilvanicus 39, xot, I37 Antrostomus voeiferus macromystax 78 Aphelocoma californica 3 hypoleuca 135 sieberii arizonze 79 Aphriza virgata xi, 14 Aquila ehrysaetos 4o Ara ambigua 155, 156 macao 155 Ardea herodias 1io fannini 44 vireseens anthonyi 24 Arenaria interpres III, I4I melanoeephala Arinia boucardi 54 Asio magellanicus pallescens 74 Astragalinus lawrencei psaltria hespexphilus 13, 76, 142 tristis salicam ns 76 Asturina plagiata 26 Asyndesmus torquatus 5( Auklet, Cassin 1o6 Rhinoceros 1o6 Aulacorhamphus cerulei 7ularis x5.S Auriparus flaviceps 5 o, 81 lO2 lampr ,cephalus 38 Aythya affinis B.OLOPHUS inornatus 13 Bailey, F. M., breeding notes from New Mexico, 39; scaled partridge at Pueblo,' Colorado, xx2: notice of her 'Additions to Mitchell's List of the Summer Birds of San Miguel County, New Mexico,' 146; notice of her 'Additional Notes on Birds of the Upper Pecos', 146 Bailey, V., a correction, 82; scraps from an owl table,'97 Baldpate 74 Basilinna leucotis 79 xantusi 134 Belding, L., snow-bound, 82; corrections, 83; Plegadis guarauna at Stockton, Cal., H2; date of arrival of purple martin at Stockton, Cal., I3 Bird, Man-o-war, 1o9 Surf Ill, 14 I Tropic, see Tropic Bird Bishop, L. B., notes on a small collection of California Birds with description 'of an ap- parently unrecognized race of Hutton's vireo, 141 Blackbird, Brewer 56 76 Red-winged 48 Yellow-headed 76 B1 uebird, Mountain lO2 Western lO2, I43 Booby, Blue-faced Brewster xo 9 Webster Io 9 Brewster, William, letter on problems in orni- thology, 95 Bowles, J. H, and C. W., Washington notes, 144 Brant, Black Branta canadensis occidentalis 69 nigricans Ho Brachyramphus craveri hypoleucus lO7 Brachyspiza capensis 159 Brotogerys jugularis 153 Bryan, W. A., notice of his 'A Monograph of Marcus Island,' 145 Bryant, W. E., obituary notice 129 Brunet, L., Walcott, R. H., Swenk, M. H., notice of their 'A Preliminary Review of the Birds of Nebraska, with Synopses,' 146 Bubo virginianus pacificus pallescens 26 Buffle-head i4i Bunting, Beautiful 136 Lark 136, 144 Burnett, L. E., the sage grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus, Io2 Bush-tit 93 California Lead-colored

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