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Nov., I9o5[ EDITORIAl, NOTES t79

is preoccupied by Pious torqttalus Boddtert, i783, a South American form known as Cerchneipicus lorqualus. As none of the other names given to the Lewis woodpecker prove available it is named Asyndesmus lewisi Riley. Dr. C. Hart Merriam presented a paper en- titled: "Work of the Biological Survey in Cali- fornia, with special refereuce to Birds," at a meeting of the Section of Ornithology, of the California Academy of Sciences, October 3- The Twenty-third Congress of the American Ornithologists' Union convened in New York City November 4- The Southern Division held their arereal October Outing Meeting at Newhall on Octo- ber 28 and e 9. We again desire to thank The Pacific Monthly of Portland, Oregon, for the use of three plates for Mr. Finley's article. space it has been uecessarv to defer four im- portant articles. At the last momeut we have been obliged to omit four portraits of Euro- pean Ornithologists waich were i,tended for this issue, and some club minutes already set up. These will appear in January. FROhi FIELD AND STUDY [ Conbnued front paA, e '77) collector, and while the eggs were saved the nest fell to pieces. The stump was situated in a small ravine, with only two or three tall trees near. The set was taken on June I5, aud the eggs were fresh. The nesting site was discovered by watching the birds circling in rapid flight. They would circle nearer and nearer, and when cfirectly over the stub would be seen to dart straight down into it. The nest 1 AND 2. HOU$ ' FINCHES: 3, ANTHONY TOWHEE Photographed by Joseph Vaillia-d In view of the publication ot the recently adopted International Code ot Zoological No- menclature (Entwurf yon Regeln der Zoolog- isthen Nomenclatur. Als Grundlage ruer einer Neubearbeitung der internationalen Regeln der internationalen Nomenclatur-Com- mission vorgeschlagen yon I,'. C. v. Maehren- thal in Berlin Zoologische Ammlen, I, 9o4, 89q38. Also Bull. e4 of the hygienic labora- tory of the Public Health and Marine Service of the U. S.; reprint of English text by C. W. Stiles) Dr. David Starr Jordan will not pub- lish his new code of nomenclature, extracts from which were given in this journal January last, pp. 28-30. Dr. Jordan has reviewed the English text of the 'International Code' in Science of Oct. 20. Owing to unusual demands on available was built of pine needles, glued together with birds' saliva, and fastened to the walls of the stub, which were very smooth. It was a narrow affair, and the six eggs lay side by side. The nest was only about hvo 1eet from the ground, so that the climber was obliged to descend almost the entire distance inside the nestiug stub. This set of eggs is now in the fine oological collection of Colonel John E. Thayer. The eggs. as Major Bendire stated, are markedly smaller than those of the chim,ey swift, and are noticeably couical. They correspond exactly, in size, with the specimen figured in "Life Histories."--H. R. TAYLOR, Alanreda, Calif. Birds Drinking.--While in Santa Barbara this past summer my attention was attracted to the comparatively fearless way in which the

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