Bird-Lowe's Mo/t0.'--" bird in te bh i$ orth two in tke
HIRD LORE m the Study and Protection of Birds Published for the National Committee of the Audubon Societies, as the official organ of the Societies. -.: "" , Reduced lisa ct of Ersest Thomp Se' intingofthersSkrike. eseed e. Te iginal nearly life e. 66 ]dited b Audubon epaent et by MB G WRIGHT an WIM CR you 11 be insted in pag a fiH with deceptions of ex- enc wi birds in field and fort fwm the m of the ters who have n ld wide fame lim naturalh. e ftu of e coming yr will a H. of e plates by Bruce Hotsfall and uis Agsiz Puees aurately illustrating TH WARBRS COLOR with figus of the me, female, and young (when eir plumage differ) of eve Noah Amen memr of is fsinang family. One Dollar a Year, 20 Cents a Copy Sd a 2nt mp for n smeu y THE MACMILLAN CO., Publtsers for the ieties FIFTH ANU W YO CITY TI. APRICAH BIRD PLA. G.AT, INE Frofusely illustrated with Phot. ographs of Wild Birds from Iife. Fresh, inter- esting, and instructive Bird Literature. verything original. ach number contains Ten in Natural Colors For identifications Monthly, $1.00 per year Single Copies !0 cents ]veryone subscribing now is entitled to a Life- sized Enlargement of the SPECIAL TO all who mention "The Cornlot- we will send Vol. I and II, and sub- scriptions for 19o3, with the "Chippy FamUy," for$.5o. Address American Ornithology ":C", Year The Plant World An Xllustrated Monthly Magolne of Pop- u/at Botany EstalisAed The Official Organ of the Wild Flower Preservation Society of America If you are interested in botany ITHE PI, Ar WOD will interest you. If you are a teacher of botany, Tmz Pz,s.wr WOD will help you. THR PLAIT WORLD will keep yon in touch with modern botanical thought. RDITRD BY FRANCIS ]. ,LOYD Professo of Botany Teachers College, Columbia University, New York Send for a Sample Cop