WITH 1905 The WarDior begins a new series which will contain many su- [erb Colored Plates of rare eggs such as irtland and Olive Warble-r, Carolina lat '- oquet, Clark's Crow. Ipswich and Rufous Crowned Sparrow, Yellow and Black Rail. Calaveras Warbler, etc. Also splendid illustrations of Birds and 1%sts, and lead- ing articles by well known authorities. Published Quarterly, 32 Pages & Cover ggs of Kirfland Warbler will be figured in first issue(Jan.or reb.)of the new series. ammss 97HE WARBLER 0ological Invention Hand EggBlower for blowing all fresh and in- cubated eggs. Invaluable with water-blower. Very aseful instrament. Endorsed by many advanced Oologists and collectors through the United States and Canada. Price SLOG postpaid. DOCTOR M. . CLI3CKL]3, 457 Oreee Street Augusta, Ga. Benjamin Hoal BOOKS of everv description, especmlly scienfic and nature study literature. *l Subscrip- tion agent for all American and Foreign lagazines. *l Oolo- gists' and Taxidermists' Instru- ments. *l Oological Specimens in fine sets. Kindly favor me with a list of your wants. Prompt quotations. *l Lists and bulletins for the asking. Back volumes and odd numbers of ornithological magazines, and old, out of print books a specialty. Stephentown, - New York Teachers and Collectors I offer vou 8,000 species of shells, 5o kinds o coral, 30o kinds of echinoderms, aGO kinds of sponges, 300 kinds of minerals, 40o kinds of fossils, fine sets, bird literature, etc. Order a lot on approval, look it over in your own home, at your leisure select what you want and send back balance. Only the finest material offered. Collections purchased, or will loan cash on good material. WALPR F. WI3BB, 202 Westminister Road Rochestex N.Y. ORNITHOLOGICAL LITERATURE ]FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vols. I, 2, 3, 4, 6. Review of American Birds (new) Pt. I, 1864-72 The English Sparrow in America. Walter B. Barrows. Birds of Southwestern Mexico. ]Francis E. Sumiehrast. U.S. Nat. Mus. 2876. Pub. Writings of Geo. N. Lawrence. L. S. ]Foster. Bull 4o- U.S. Nat. Mus. I892. Birds of the San ]Francisce Mr. Region and Desert of the Little Colorado, Arizona. Dr. C. Hart Merriam. The Hummingbirds. Robert Ridgway (illustrated). Canadian Birds, Pt I., I9OO. Study of Genus Sturnella. ]Frank M. Chap- man: i9oo Contributions to Philippine Ornithology. Dean C. Worcester, I898. Calif. Water Birds No. 3, Sonth ]Farallon Is. Levererr M. Loomis. Birds of the Kotzebue Sound Region, Alaska. Joseph Grinnell. Oregon Naturalist, Vol. 3- Zoology, Birds by H. W. Henshaw. Vol. $. I875. (Without plates). Auk, Vols. I2---I8. (New, unbound). $IO.0o the lot, f. o. b. Ornithology of Califorsia. Dr. J. G. Cooper (new). I desire to obtain pamphlets and separates and other works on Ornithology, particularly west and south of the Rocky Mountains. Send list of what you can offer and want. W. OTTO }MERSON, Haywards, Calif. BIRD NAMES.--]For labeling'coil. of M't'd birds, nests or eggs. Handsome, neat, printed' on fine cardboard. Conforming to latest A. O. U. check-list. Price 8I.OO postpaid. Sample for stamp. PHILO. W. SMITH, JR., Mona House, St. Lonis, Mo. WANTED.--First-class set of eggs in ex- change for same, that I have been collecting for two seasons in California, and one season on the coast of Mexico and ajacient islands. Send itemized list of exchanges to H. H. BAILEY, 54 St., Newport News, Va.