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THE CONDOP- An Illusrai'ed Magazine oF Wesfrn Ornii'holo8y Published Bi-monthly by the Cooper Ocnitholoi- cal Club o California WALTEIZ K. FISHEP, Editor, Palo Alto JOSEPrl (iIIDIDIELL, Iusiness Manager and Associate Editor, Pasadena I. E. SDIODC;!ZASS, 4YlLLIAM L. Associate Editors Palo Alto, California: Published 15ept. 19, 1905 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Price in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and U.S. Colonies one dollar a year; single copies twenty-five cents. Price in all countries in the Intemtional Postal Union one dollar aud quaer a year. Subscriptions should be sent to the Busiaess Maaager; manuscripts and exchanges to the Editor. NOTES AND NEWS An expedition of more than ordinary interest was sent by the California Academy of Sciences, during the summer, to the Galat3agos Islands, to be gone nineteen months. The expedition was organized through the indefatigable efforts of the Director of the Museum, Mr. Leverett Mills Loomis who spared neither time nor pains to bring the undertaking to a successful start. The personnel includes R. H. Beck, Chief, E. W. Gifford and j. S. Hunter, birds and mammals, A. W. Stewart, plants, J. R. Slevin and Ernest King, reptiles, F. X. Wil- liams, beetles and other insects, and W. H. Ochsner, living and fossil shells. The Academy purchased a two-masted schooner-yacht from the Navy Department. This vessel is 85 feet iong, a3-5 feet broad and has a gross tonnage of d. The equipment includes practically everything that such an expedition can possibly need. The itinerary of the trip is as follows: left San Francisco, June aS, via Ensenada (a days); San Benitos (a days), Natividad (one half day), Cerros (x day), San Benedicte (a days), Socorro (x day), Cocos (x week) or Clipperton (2 days); arrive at GalapaRos about August I5; thirteen months, August I5, x9o5 to September xS, i9o6 to be spent at Galapago.% with a trip to Cocos if it has not been previously visited; leave GalapaRos September I5, 9o6, via Clar- ion, and arrive at San FranCisco, December , x9o6. The members will make especial efforts to secure a very complete collection of reptiles and birds, while their long stay in the islands will enable them to gather much biological data of importance, as well as data concerning temperature and rainfall, and the effects of these on distribution. This expedition will undoubtedly prove the most important which has yet visited this, one might say, classic region. The editor had the pleasure of being a mem- ber of Camp Agassiz during the past summer. This camp, now well known to all lovers of the mountains, is perhaps unique among the host of camps which are springing up in response to a popular need. It is without doubt situated in the most attractive portion of the Sierra Nevada, and in a region where more interest- ing peaks and lakes are easily accessible than elsewhere throughout the whole length of this remarkable chain. The single view from Mr. Tallac easily bears favorable comparison with the best that the Alps can offer. And all this is right at our door, as it were, but eighteen hours from San Francisco. We are glad to state that the camp enjoyed the most prosper- ous summer since its foundation, and will now be open for guests the entire year. During midwinter the camp is reached by travelling over the suow on skees from Tallac where the adventurous are landed by boat three times a week. This will afford an unexcelled opportun- ity to view the wildest portion of the Sierra during the great silence of winter--an oppor- tunity which has heretofore been denied all but the most venturesome, for the simple reason that resorts are closed during the winter months. The editor hopes to make the acquaintance of the winter birds during the Christmas holidays. We take pleasure in acknowledging the court- esy of The Pacific Monthly of Portland, Ore- gon, for the loan of three cuts, used in Mr. Finley's article on "Among the Sea Birds off the Oregon Coast." The Pacific Monthly is rapidly. forging to the front of all western magazines, and is coming to be the ac- knowledged exponent of western literature, as well as a magazine of unusual mechanical ex- cellance. We congratulate the publishers on the success attending their vigorous efforts to produce a magazine of merit. RESOLUTIONS Whereas, it has pleased an All-Wise Provi- dence to take from us, to a higher life, an Honorary Member of the Cooper Ornithologi- cal Club, Mr. Walter E. Bryant of Santa Rosa, thereby closing the earthly career of one who was ever close and dear to us in a fraternal sense, while commanding our admiration and respect for his scholarly and scientific attain- ments, therefore, be it Resolved, That in the death of Walter E. Bryant this Club has sustained a loss which years only can fully measure, and one that is personal and sincere to all who knew him; and be it further Resolved, That in the passing of Mr. Bryant we deplore the loss to Pacific Coast Ornithology of one of its most ardent students, a thorough Ornithotgist, whose work and papers are a monument to his memory; one who was ever helpful to a friend or beginner; an enthusiastic collector, a loyal friend, and one of whom it might be said that he was in every sense a man, and it is finally Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions, a feeble though heart-felt tribute to his memory, be sent to his bereaved family, and a copy spread upon the minutes and published in the official organ oi the Cooper Ornithological Club.

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