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SUBSPECIFIC CHARACTERS--Similar to lYreo hutloni but darker, grayer, and less buffy olive above; below, paler and grayer with less buffy suffusion on chest and sides. HAm'xTmSan Diego County, California. Tyv}--Adultmale, No: o,89, collection of Louis B. Bishop, Witch Creek, San Diego Co., California, April 9, 94 No..o6 of H. W.'Marsden, collector. Seven vireos collected by Mr. Marsden at Witch Creek on March 6. April 9, (2), Nov. o and 23, and I}ec. io and I4, 9o4, differ from specimens of P: hutloni in corresponding stages of plumage, collected at various points between Redlands and San Geronimo, California, as described above. These differences are more marked in the March and April birds, and three I at' first referred to  h. sleibhensi, until Mr. Oberholser called my attention to their distinctness. They are consider- ably darker and smaller than  h. slephensi, darker than g. h. cognalus, and lack the decided olive above and buff below of P(. h. obscurus. Apparently they exemplify the tendency shown by Pipilo maculatus to assume a dark form in San Diego County, the lack of the buffy olive on the upper parts giving a dusky effect to the plumage although the tips of the feathers are grayer than in //. httltoni. Thus they seem not to be intermediate between any recognized races, and I am forced to agree with Mr. Oberholser in thinking they require a name. '['his race I take pleasure in naming in his honor, and wish to express my thanks to him and to the authorities of the National Museum for lentling me a series of the different racesol I/(. hutloni. Dentlroica astiva rubiginosa. Alaskan Yelloxv Warbler. At Witch Creek a female was collected on May 3, two males on May 6 and i, and a male on Oct. 12, X904. Regulus calentlula grinnelli. Sitkan Kinglet. A female taken at Redlands on March 24, 9o3 Regulus calentlula cineraceus. Ashy Kinglet. This appears to be a much more strongly differentiated race than the last, and therefi}re more worthy of recognition. Mr. Marsden has collected me five from California, tbur from Arizona, and three from Colorado, and the California, and Arizona birds are larger and much paler than Connecticut specimens of calendula in approximately the same condition of plumage. The Arizona birds are the largest and palest and those from Colorado intermediate with calendula but nearer ci,erace,s. 1tylocichla guttara slevini. Monterey Hermit Thrush. A male taken at Redlands, April 6, I9O3. Sialia mexicana 0ccidentalis. Western Bluebird. A female, taken at Red- lauds on April 8, t9o3 has mtst of the cr,wu. nape, sides of head, neck and throat white. FROM FIELD AND STUDY Calamospiza melanocory8 Seen in Santa Barbara.--On July oth of this year, while returning along the county road to the house at which I was staying in the outskirts of Santa Barbara, I was surprised to hear a strange bird-note close behind me. Upon turning around I was still more surprised to see three strange birds flying across the road but a few yards away from me. One of the three lit in the top of a small acacia tree close to the road while the others flew on beyond. The one in the tree endeavored to hide when it noticed me and as I tried to identify it by getting closer it flew out of the tree onto the top rail of a board fence about twenty- five yards away. After waiting until I walked to within fifteen yards it flew down in the grass beyond. I immediately went to the house for a weapon and returned to the spot. On my ap- proach this bird flushed with a' number of lark finches (Chondeslesg-. slriatus) and western chipping sparrows (Xpizella s. arizona) and flew out of reach, soon separating from the other birds and following the direction taken by its original companions. Diligent search failed to

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