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Dec. 3 r, i9o 3, are diametrically opposed to his description of this race, being paler below than the Connecticut bird. Falco richatdsoni. Richardsoh's Merlin. A yonng female, taken at Witch Creek, on Feb. 9, r9o4. Phalenoptilus nuttalli nitidus. Frosted Poor-will. Eleven poor-wills, taken at Witch Creek in the summer of i9o 4, Mr. Nelson pronounces much nearer to this form than to the other race. Empidonax canescens. Gray Flycatcher. A female taken April 20, and a male on April 22, x9o3, at Redlands. Corvus brachyrhynchos hesperis. California Crow. A female taken at Red- lands on March 20, x9o 3, and a male at Witch Creek on Jan. 22, i9o4, agree with Mr. Ridgway's description of this race in having slightly longer and more slender bills than eastern birds. Another peculiarity is that the wings and tail are much browner than any of a series of twenty-four Connecticut crows. Agelaius phceniceus sonoriensis. Sonoran Redwing. Two males and a female taken at Redlands on Jan. 22, March 28, and Jau. o, 9o3, and a male taken at Witch Creek on April I3, I9o4, Mr. Oberholser considers this subspecies. Astragalinus psaltria hesperophilus. Green-backed Goldfinch. Au adult male taken at Witch Creek, Nov. 24, i9o3 has the scapulars chiefly black. Passerculus sandwichensis bryanti. Bryant's Marsh Sparrow. A male taken at Witch Creek on Feb. 2, I9O 4. Zon0trichia leucophrys. White-crowued Sparrow. A year old male, taken at Witch Creek on April 8, i9o 4, and a young female in the Volcan Mountains on Dec. 3, 9o4 Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli. NuttaWs Sparrow. Gambel's sparrow was naturally the common form at Redlands, but Mr. Marsden collected a single adult male Nuttall's sparrow there on Jan. 27, i9o3 . Junco hyemalis thurberi. Tlmrher's Junco. Three brieeding males taken in the Volcan Mts., June 22-9, I9O4, are intermediate between this form and pinosus, having the throat grayer than the former and the head slightly blacker than the latter, but are somewhat nearer thnrberi. A heautiful, albinistic, male jnnco was collected at Witch Creek on Nov. o, 9o4, in coral)any with a typical felnale Thurber's juneau, which is also in my collection. The bill, tarsi, toes, and nails are pinkish white; forehead, lores, infra-orbital region. chin, lower breast, abdomen, wings and tail, white; the wings and tail slightly mottled with ashy; a slight pink- ish suffusion on the sides and the greater wing-coverts; and the rest of the plum- age, including the throat, and entire upper parts. blackish slate or slate-color, edged with grayish white. In coloring, therefore, this bird is nearer h3,emalis than to thurberi. A female also taken at Witch Creek on Dec. 4, 9o3, has the chin and part of the throat grayish white. Passerella iliaca schistaces. Slate-colored Fox Sparrow. Of thirteen fox sparrows taken near Witch Creek in I)ecember, 9o4, eight are of this subspecies, one, megarh. yncha, and (me, intermediate. Passerella iliaca anaectas. akutat Fox Sparrow. Mr. Oberholser identi- ties as of this race two males and a female taken at Witch Creek, Dec. 2, 9o4. Pipilo maculatus stratus. San Diego Tow bee. The towhee of Wilch Creek and the Volean Mts. is this subspecies. Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides. White-rumped Shrike. Two males take.n at Witch Creek on Nov. 26, 9o3, and Jan. 25, 9o4 Vireo huttoni oberholseri, new subspecies. Oberholser's vireo.

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