Sept., 9o5
Notes on a Small Collection of California Birds with Description of an Apparently Unrecognized Race of Hutton's Vireo BY I,OUIS B. BISHOP M. D. MONG somewhat over tooo beautifully made bird-skins collected for ille 19o3'and 4 by Mr. H. W. Marsden at Redlands, San Bernardin() County, and Witch Creek and Pacific Beach, San Diego County, California, the following seem of enough interest to be placed on record. The Volean Mountains, Mr. Marsden writes me, are twelve miles from Witch Creek. Synthlib0ramphus antiquus. Ancient Murrelet. A male in worn winter plumage, with its feathers matted with petroleum, was found dead at Pacific Beach on April 25, I9o 4. Sterc0rarius 10ngicaudus. Long-tailed Jaeger. A young male, taken at Pacific Beach, Sept. I9, I9o4. Sterna elegans. Elegant Tern. An adult male, taken at Pacific Beach, Sept. 2i, x9o4 . Sterna hirund0. Common Tern. Three adult inales, two of them in winter plumage, taken at Pacific Beach, Sept. 2, 8, t 5, 9o4 . Charit0netta albe01a. Buffie-head. A male in peculiarly worn and faded first winter plumage, taken at Pacific Beach, April 22, t9o4 . The upper parts and wings are brownish black broadly edged with ashy or creamy white. The chin is wood brown, and most of the Ioral region and sides of neck varies between wood brown and drab. ()f the tail feathers little but the shafts remain and many of these have been broken off close to the body. The contour feathers as a whole are greatly worn and noticeably shorter than usual. This bird probably was in the second spring, but for some reason had failed to InOlllt for a year and a half. A triangular patch of black but worn feathers on the forehead with others on the lores and extending on both sides toward the chin was probably assumed in the fall of I9o3 in an abortive attempt at adult dress. Railus levipes. Bangs's Rail. Eleven specimens, taken at Pacific Beach ill October, January, and April are remarkably uniform inc,lorand size, and agree closely with Mr. Bangs's description of this species. Ulffortunately' I have been unable to compare them with specimens of . belditgi and . obso/ettts. blacr0rhamphus griseus sc010paceus. l,ong.billed Doa'itcher. A young male and young female, taken at Pacific Beach, Sept. 6, t9o 4. Tringa canutus. Knot. Two young males, taken at Pcific Beach on Sept. to and 16, 9o4. Mr. Marsden wrote that he did not consider the knot rare there, as he saw several others. Act0dr0mas bairdi Baird's Sandpiper. A young female taken at Pacific Beach, Sept. 8, x9o4. Aphriza virgata. Surf Bird. A young male, taken at Pacific Beach, Sept. 8, 904 . Arenaria interpres. European Turnstone. A young female turnstme, taken at Pacific Beach, Sept. 8, 9o4. Mr. Oberholser agrees with me in referring it to this species. Accipiter ve10xrufilatus. Western Sharp-shinned Hawk. Adult inale col- lected by Mr. Marsden at Witch Creek on Nov. 5, 9o4, and Newcastle, Colorado, on Aug. 3, 9 2, agree with Mr. Ridgway's description of A. v. rufilalus, but an adult female and young female from Witch Creek, taken on Dec. to, 9o4, and