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Tr0g10dytes tanneff C. H. TOWNSV, N). Clarion Island Wren. Abundant on Clarion Island May 2rst. Sitta canadensis LtNN. Red-breasted Nuthatch. Several seen and heard on Guadalupe Island March 22nd. Auriparus fiavicepslampr0cephalus OBEaI-. Baird Verdin. Abundant at San Jose del Cabo April 22nd; common at San Juanleo Bay June x2th. Regulus calendula 0bscurus (Rmgw.). Dusky Kinglet. Guadalupe Island March 22nd, extremely rare. P01i0ptila calif0rnica BREWS'e. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher. San Juanleo Bay June 2th, not common. lIyiadestes t0wnsendi (Atu).). Townsend Solitaire. One seen on Guadalupe Island March 22nd. Hy10cichla guttata nana (At).). Dwarf Hermit Thrush. San Martin Island March th, Todos Santos Island March xoth, not uncommon. lIerula migrat0ria pr0pinqua (Rx)gw.). Western Robin. Common on Todos Santos Island March xoth. lIerula c0nfinis (BAxR)). St. Lucas Robin. Seen about San Jose del Cabo April 22nd, bnt not common. REFERENCES Xautus, John.--I)escriptions of Supposed New Species of Birds from Cape St. Lucas, I, ower Calitornia. ,cProc. Acad. Sci. Phila., I$59, 297-299. Baird, S. F.Noteson aCollction of Birds made by Mr. John Xantus at Cape St. Lucas, Lower Calilornia. and now in the Museum o the Smithsonian Institution. -Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila., 859, 299-306. Cooper, J. G.--Ornith,logy oCaliornia I. Cambridge, t87o. Grayson, Col. Andrew J.--On the Physical Geography and Natural History of the [slandsothe Tres Mafias and oSocorro,ff the Wester Coast of Mex- ico. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nt. Hist., XIV, t87o-7, Exploring Expediti,n zo the Island of Socorro. lbid., I,ist o Socorro Island Birds collected by A. J. Grayson, May I867. ,cIbid., I98-3o2. Belding, Lyman.Catalogue o a Collection o Birds made near the Southern Ex- tremity o the Peninsula of Lower California. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., V, x883, 32-55 o. Second Catalogue o[ a Collection of Birds made near the Southern Ex- tremity of Lower California. t'roc. U.S. Nat. Mus. VI, x883, 344-35 . Bryant, Waiter E.--A Catalogue of the Birds o Lower California, Mexico. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2nd series, II, 889, 237-320. Townsend, C. H.--Birds rom the Coasts of Western North America and Adjacent Islands, Collected in x888-89, with Descriptions o New Species. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., XIII, I89 o, I3X-42. Anthony, A. W.--Avifauna of the Revillagigedo Islands. Auk XV, x898, 3I. The Boobies of the Revillagigedo Islands. Osprey III, 898, 4. Petrels o Southern California. Auk XV, 898, x4o. Nesting Habits of the Pacific Coast Species o the Genus Puffinus. Auk. XVII, 9oo, 247. Brewster, William--Birds of the Cape Region of Lower Caliornia. Bull. Harv. Mus. Comp. Zool., XLI, 9o.

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