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Passerculus r0stratus guttatus (LiwR.). St. Lucas Sparrow. Common at Abreojos Poiut April i9th, with fresh eggs, and at same locality June 7th a seen at San Jose del Cabo April 23rd. Passerculus r0stratus ha10philus (McGRGO}). l.agoon Sparrow. Has been referred to ]assercu/us rostratus ffttttatts (LAwR.). a Passerculusr0stratus sanct0rum RIDGW.). San Benito Sparrow. Abundant on San Benilos Islands, with fresh eggs March 27th t 3oth. Ch0ndestes grammacus sttigatus (Sw^tt, s.). Western Lark Sparrow. Rather common about San Jose del Cabo on April 23rd. Z0n0trichia leuc0phrys (l"oRs'r.). White-crowned Sparrow. Common about San Jose del Cabo on April -3rd. Z0n0trichia leuc0phrys gambeli (Nurr.). Intermediate Sparrow. Comtnon on Todos Santos and San Martin Islands March loth to i2th. Spizella pallida (Sw^s.). Clay-colored Sparrow. Common about San Jose del Cabo on April 23rd. Spizella breweri Css. Brewer Sparrow. Rather common about San Jose del Cabo April 23rd. Junc0 insularis Rwgw. Guadalupe Junco. Abundant on Guadalupe Island, with fledged young and fresh eggs (second sets?) on the 22rid of March; the cats are making inroads on this species. Amphispiza bilineata desertic01a Rmc;w. Desert Sparrow. Found at Cerros Island April xst, at San Jose del Cabo April 24th, and at Natividad Island July tst; not conlmon where seen. Amphispizabelli (C,ss.). Bell Sparrow. San Martin Island, March t2th, not common. Aimophila ruficeps (C?,ss.). Ru0us-crowned Sparrow. Noted on Todos San- tos Island March loth and on Sat Martin Island March 2th, not common ( Aimophi/a ruficeps sororia?). Melospiza lincolni (At'i)). Lincoln Sparmxv. Seen and taken at Cerros Island April tst: rare in this h,cality. Piprio carmani t 1,AwR.). Carman Towbee. Very common on Socorro Island May 5th, breeding season bei,g apparently entirely ,ver and the birds in worn plulnage. 0reospiza chlorura (Act).). Gree,-tailcd T{m hee. Several seen at San Jose del Cabo April 22rid. Pipilo fuseus albigula (B^n,,i)). St. I,ucas Towhee. San Jose del Cabo April 25th, not ccmlmon. Pipilo fuscus senicula ANTHO.x. Anthinky Towhee. Todos Santos Island March loth; Plaga Maria Bay July 8th; not comn,m. Cardinalis cardinalis igneus (BAII,D). St. I, ucas Cardinal. Commcm about San Jose del Cabo April 22nd. Pyrrhuloxia sinuata peninsule RIDGW. qt. 1,UCaS Pyrrhuloxia. Quite com- mon about San Jose del Cabo April 22rid. Guiraca cerulea lazula ([,ESS.). Western Blue Grosbeak. Not unconnnon abot{t 8an Jose del Cabo April 23rd. Cyanospiza versicolor pulchra (RIDGW.). Beautiul Bunting. Cormnon about San Jose del Cabo April 24th." Calamospiza melanocorys S'rj.,,-. l,ark Bunting. One specinlen taken on Cerros Island July 4th. a. ('f. Brewster Brds of the (2ape Region of Lower California. Brill. Harv. Mus. Comp. Zool., XLI, 19o2.

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