Kaeding Petrel, Unearthed in Burrow .............. t-lerman T. Bohlman Frontispiece Among the Sea Birds off the Oregon Coast, Part I, lI/illiam Lovell Finley, 8 photos by t-lerman T. Bohbnan ............................ x 19 Walter E. Bryant--portrait ............................................. a8 In Memoriam: Walter E. Bryant ............................ II7alter Ix'. eisler a 9 The Ornithological Writings of Walter E. Bryant ................ Joseph Grinnell x3x Portraits of Prof. Max Fuerbringer, Dr. Alphouse Dubois, Dr. Rudolf Bl. asius, Dr. V'ilhelm Blasius .................................................. x33 Birds from the West Coast of Lower California and Adjacent Islands 1-lenry B. iaedinA x 34 Dry Notes from Dry Lake ........................................ Joseph Dieton i39 Notes on a Small Collection of California Birds with Description of an Apparently Unrecognized Race of Hurtoh's Vireo ................ Lous B. Bishop, 1. D. x4 x FROM FIELD AND STUDY.--Notes by/oseph lIailliard, l-larry S. Swurlh,J. t-f. and C. I. Bowles, W. O. merson ..................................... x44 THE EDITOR'S BOOK SHELF--Reviews by If. C. Oberholser and l. K. Fisher x44 NOTES AND NEXVS .................................. ;48 Resolutions ............................................ x48 CAMP AGASSIZ ] At Glen Alpine in the Lake Tahoe Forest Reserve, California Is How Open the Ycr R0vnd The camp is in Glen Alpine, a famous glacier gorge in the Sierras, six miles southwest of Tallac; elevation 6.700 feet above sea level. The camp site is ou high ground n few hundred yards from the beaut/fnl Modjeka Falls, amid a luxuriant grove of pine and fir trees. x,'ithin eight miles of Camp Agassiz are a dozen peaka from eight to ten thousand feet high. on whose sides lie eternal snow fields, and there are 44 lakes, of which 3 contain trout--eight different kinds. Is there such another region in'the world? Trout Flhlg i noxv at its bet. Skeeing will be a feature of the winter season. For further details address the director, NArILLIAII NAt. PIa, ICE, Alta, Placer Co., California BULLETIN OF TtlE Michi,.qn Ornilholo.icM Club I4/alter B. Barrows, Editor P. ,4. Taremet and JVorrnan ,4. 14Xood, .4ssociates Beginning with z9o5 the BULLETIN enters upon it sixth volume and will be of more interest than ever to the bird student. The many contributions will be enriched by original photographs of birds their nests and eggs. The BULLETIiI is devoted to the ornithology of the Great Lake Region and the present volume will contain many notes on the birds of the St. Clair Flats and other points of interest in this territory. If you are interested in birds you should read the BULLETIN. ubarlpflon, 50 Cen}s per eae ample Copy, 15 Cenfs FIEDEILICK C. [IOBEL ! !: Alexandrine Ave. De}roi{, Mich.