34 I VoL. VII
Birds from the West Coast of Lower California and Adjacent Islands BY HENRY B. KAIEDING ( bncluded rom page alco sparverius phaloena (LEss.). Desert Sparrow Hawk. Todos Santos Island March 2oth; Guadalupe Island March 2nd; not common where found. Falco sparverius peninsularis ME^RNS. St. Lucas Sparrow Hawk. San Jose del Cabo April 3rd, not uncommon. Polyborus lutosus RtDGW. Guadalupe Caracura. Guadalupe Island; one seen March 22rid; apparently nearly extinct. Pandion haliaetus carolinensis (GML.). American Osprey. Common on San Martin, Todos Santos, San Geronimo, San Benitos, Cerros, and Natividad Islands, breeding; fresh eggs were taken as early as March oth. Strix pratincola Bo^v. American Barn Owl. A few seen on Todos Santos Island March oth. Speotyto cunicularia hypogoea (Bo^P.). Burrowing Owl. Todos Santos Is- land, March toth; San Benitos Islands March 27th; not common at either locality. Speotyto rostrata C. H. TowsEr. Clarion Island Owl. Quite common on Clarion Island, breeding some time in June, apparently. Micropallas graysoni (RmGw.). Socorro Elf Owl. Rare and hard to find on Socorro Island; one taken May toth. Conurus holochlorus brevipes B^. Socorro Island Paraquet. Abundant on Socorro Island, but not showing signs of breeding May nd. Dryobates lucasanus (X^'rus). St. Lucas Woodpecker. Common at San Jose del Cabo April oth; one specimen taken at Playa Maria Bay July 8th. Centurus uropygialis B^tRD. Gila W6odpecker. Common about San Jose del Cabo on April 2oth. Colapres curer collaris (VmoRs). Red-shafted Flicker. One noted at Todos Santos Island March oth. Colapres chrysoides (M^nm). Gilded Flicker. Common about San Jose del Cabo April 2oth. Colapres rufipileus RIDGW. Guadalupe Flicker. Rarely seen on Guadalupe Island Choralelies rexcrisis (L^wa.). Texan Nighthawk. Taken at San Jose del Cabo April 23rd; a nighthawk was also observed on Socorro Island, but was not taken and the species remains undetermined Aeronautes melanoleucus (B^mr 0. White-throated Swift. A small flock was seen on Guadalupe Island March 25th. Calypte cost0e (BOURC.). Costa Hummingbird. Todos Santos Island March oth, San Benitos, March 7th; Turtle Bay April 4th; fairly common wherever noted. Calypte anna (LEss.). Anna Hummingbird. Todos Santos Island March toth, fairly common. Basilinna xantusi {LAwR.). Xantus Humminghird. Common at San Jose del Caho on April 23rd. Tyrannus verticalis SAY. Arkansas Kingbird. Noted at Todos Santos Island March xoth and at Cerros lsland April I. Myiarchus cinerascens pertinax (BAIRD). Lower California Flycatcher. A few noted at San Jose del Cabo April 3rd. Sayornis saya (BONAP.). Say Phoebe. One seen on Cerros Island March 3rot.