Bird-Lore's lgotlo.'--"A bird in tile bush is orti to in the finnan'
BIRD LORE A Bi-Monthly Magazine Devoted to I the Study and Protection of Birds Pubhshed 1or the National Committee of the Audubon Societies, as the official organ of the Societies. Reduced line cut of Ernest Thompson Setoh'S painting of the 2Vortlern Shrike. Presented to evo subscriber to ol VII, 9o$, of Bird. Lore. Tile oriinal is nearly bfe-sie. THE 66 FIFTH AVBNUE -dlted by - FRANK M. CHAPMAN Audubon Department edited by MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT and WILLIAM DUTCHER F YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BIRDS you will be interested in BIRD-LORE. Its pages are filled with descriptions of ex- periences with birds in field and forest from the pens of the writers who have won world wide fame as literary .naturalists. The feature of the coming year will be a series of the plates by Bruce Horsfall and Louis Agassiz ruerres accurately illustrating TH WARBLERS IN COLOR with figures of the male, female, and young (when their plumage differ) of every North American member of this facinating family. One Dollar a Year, 20 Cents. l Copy Send a 2-cent stamp for a spedmen copy MACMILLAN CO., Publishers for tie Audubon Societies NEW YORK CITY THE AAIERICAN BIRD AXAGAZINE Profusely illustrated with Photographs of Wild Birds from Life. Fresh, inter- esting, and instructive Bird Literature Everything original. Each number contains Ten girds in Nalurul Colors For identifications Monthly, $I.00 per year Single Copies I0 cents Everyone subscribing now is elltitled to a Life-sized Enlargement o! the "Chtppy Family" in natural colors, on paper l=X2o inches This is prob- ably the best .hotograph ever taken of an entire family of live wild birds. SPECIAL To all who mention "The Condor" we will send vol. I and II, and sub- scriptions for 9o3, with the "Chippy Family," for $2.50. Address incrican Ornithology Worster, Ma8. x.oo n Year x2 Xaauea The Plant World An Illustrated Monthly lagazlne of Pop- ular Botany EstaMished z897 The Official Organ of the Wild Flower Preservation Society of America If you are interested in botany THB PLANT XI'0RLD will interest you. If you are a teacher of botany, TI4 PLAN WOIU,D will help you. THE PLANT 'ORLD will keep you in touch with moderu botanical thought. FRANCIS E. LLOYD Pofessor of Botany Teachers College, Columbia University, New York 8end for a Sample op,-