Aphriza virgata (GIEL.). Surf Bird. San Geronimo Island March x5th; Turtle Bay April x4th; quite common at Abreojos Point April 9th, moving in small flocks. Arenaria interpres (LINN.). Turnstone. Quite common in flocks on San Ge- ronimo Island March sth; seen also at Clarion Island May 2tst. It is probable that the records given here of this species are in reality those of Arenaria morinella (LINN.)., as the skins are not at hand and it is doubtfnl if Arenaria interfires is found on the Pacific Coast? Arenaria melanocephala (Vm.). Black Turnstone. Quite common in flocks on San Geronimo Island March 5th and on San Martin Island March 2th. Haematopus bachmani Au. Black Oystercatcher. Common on San Martin, San Geroninlo, San Benitos, Natividad, San Roque and Ascunciou Islands, and at Turtle Bay and Abreojos Point; breeds abundantly on .San Roque, Ascuncion and Natividad Islands, eggs having been taken ill all stages of inchbillion about June 25th. Haematopus frazari BREWST. Frazar Oystercatcher. Contalon on San Martin, San Geronimo, San Benitos, Natividad, San Roque and Ascuncion Islands, breed- ing plentifully on San Roque, Ascuncion and Natividad Islands, eggs taken about the 25th of Jnne being in various stages of incubation. It is interesting to note that in the localities wilere Z/. bachmani and Z/. frazari both breed, several individuals were noted that were apparently intermediate in coloration between the two species, one in particular being noted that was entirely black except the white lining of the wings, visible only during flight: it is more thun probable that a ser- ies could be obtained showing complete and gradual intergadation. Zenaiduraclarionensis C. H. Towssso. Clarion Islaml Dove. Abundant on Clarion Island; one egg found about May 22rid. Zeniadura graysoni (LxwR.). Socorro island Dove. Socorro Island, not com- mon; evidently breeding May 2rid. Melopelia leucoptera (Ltss.). White-winged Dove. Quite common about San Jose del Cabo April 20th, evidently breeding. 01umbigallina passerina pallascerts (BAtRO). Mexican Ground Dove. Quite common about San Jose del Cabo April 20th, evidently breeding. 01umbigallina passerina socorroensis (Rmow.). Socorro Ground Dove. So- corro Island, not common; evidently breeding May 2nd. Cathartes aura (Liss.). Turkey Vulture. San Martin Island, March I2th, common and apparently ready to nest; Cerros Island, April xst, a few. Buteo borealis lucasanus Rmc. w. St. Lucas Redtail. San Jose del Cabo, April 20th, not common; this subspecies has been found refertable to fluleo borealis calurus (CASS.). Buteo borealis calurus (CAss.). Western Redtail. Todos Santos Island March oth; Guadalupe Island March 22nd; San Jose del Cabo April 20th; Socorro Island, May 2nd; not common anywhere as far as noted. Buteo borealis socorroensis RIDGW. Socorro Redtail. Socorro Island, not com- mon and very wild; this subspecies has been also referred to l?uteo borealis calurus. (CASS.). Flaliaeetus leucocephalus (LINN.). Bald Eagle. Todos Santos Island, March oth, one pair breeding; nest inaccessible. Falco peregrinus ariaturn (BoAe.). Common on San Geronimo, San Benito, Cerros and Natividad Islands, breeding; eggs taken March 3h that were fresh. The duck hawk is found breeding commonly on all islands where the Cassin auk- lets breed, the auklets being the principal food of the falcons. (To be concluded.) --'- J: Brewster,'Bi;ds (f the Cpe Rgion of Lower Calif>rnia. Bull. Harv. Mus. comp. Zool., XLI, 19o:2.-- ....