sets?)' being found during May; seen occasionally off Lower California coast north to San Diego; is known to breed in salt lagoons on the mainland, and also to breed abundantly on Santa Margarhita Island at Magdalena Bay. Nlerganser serratot LINN. Red-breasted Merganser. Not uncommon along this coast in winter and early spring; we noted several at the northern islands on the trip south. Aythya affinis (EYT.). Lesser Scaup Duck. A few seen at San Martin Is- land on March 2th. Oidemia perspicillata (LIN). Surf Scoter. A few seen about San Martin Is- land on March 2th. Branta nigricans (L^wR.). Black Brant. Several large flocks of these birds were seen about San Martin and San Geronimo Islands on March 2- 5. They were very wild and shy, keeping to the outer fringeof kelp. Ardea herodias LINN. Great Blue Heron. One or two noted; San Martin. Is- land March x2; Clarion Island May 2oth; Socorro Island May ioth. Nyctanassa violatea (LiNN.). Yellowcrowned Night Heron. Socorro Is- land, May st'h; San Benito Island March 25th; not common. Crymophilusfulicarius (LxN'.). Red Phalarope. Seen at sea occasionally during March; on June 3rd, near Cape St. Lucas, a large flock of these birds was seen passing rapidly north. Actodromas minutilla VIv. XL. Least Sandpiper. Rather common in small flocks at San Geronimo Island March xsth, Turtle Bay April I4th and Abreojos Point April 9th. Pelidna alpina sakhalina (VIILL). Red-backed Sandpiper. Several small flocks seen at Abreojos Point April I9th. Ereunetes occidentalis LAw}. Western Sandpiper. Commonly seen along this coast up to about May xsth. Calidris arenaria (LINN.). Sanderling. Common in small flocks at San Geron- imo Island March 5th and at Abreojos Point April I9th. Limosa fedoa (LNN.). Marbled Godwit. Fairly common at Turtle Bay April I4th; a few seen at San Geronimo Island March Isth. Syruphernia semipalmata inornata Bews'. Western Willet. Common at Turtle Bay March 4th and at Abreojos Point April I9th. Heteractitus incanus (GMEL.). WANDERING T,'r,n. Seen along the beaches at Todos Santos Island March ioth, at San Geronimo Island March Isth, at San Martin Island March I2th, at San Benitos Islands March 27th, at San Roque Island April i6th, at Ascuncion Island April I8th, at San Benedicte Island April 3oth, at Socorro Island May oth, and at Clarion Island May 2oth. Actiris macularia (LiN.). Spotted Sandpiper. Not common; seen at San Geronimo Island March Isth and at Socorro Island May 4th. Numenius longirostris Wiis. Long-billed Curlew. Quite common in flocks at Turtle Bay April 4th. Numenius hudsonicus LxTrr. Hudsonian Curlew. San Geronimo Island March Isth; common at Turtle Bay April x4th. Charadrius squatarola (LINN.). Black-bellied Plover. San Geronimo Island March Isth; quite common at Turtle Bay, April I4th, moving in large flocks. Charadrius dominicus Munni. American Golden Plover. One specimen taken on Clarion Island May 2Ist. Egialitis nivosa C6ss. Snowy Plover. Common at Abreojos Point April 9th. Ochthodromus wilsonius (O.). Wilson Plover. Quite a number of this spec- ies seen at Abreojos Point June 7th.