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ant of the'breeding sea-birds met with. The single egg is laid in a burrow in the sand, the burrow in certain localities being used in turn by these birds, t-hen by shearwaters and lastly by petrels. Fresh eggs were found as early as March xoth. Brachyramphus hypoleucus XANTS. Xantus Murrelet. Fairly common on and about Todos Santos, San Martin, San Geronimo and San Benitos Islands, breeding most accessibly on San Benitos, where in addition to nesting in the cran- nies in the cliffs the nest is often placed under'the foliage of the maguey (Agave stiawi),on the.sandy slopes facing the sea. The eggs, taken March 27th, were slightly incubated. No specimens exhibiting. the characters of 17ractiframptius craveri (SAnVAt).)were noted, craveri being apparently confined to the Cape region and Gulf of California. a . Rissa tridactyla pollicaris RIDGW. Pacific Kittiwake. A few individuals not- ed at San Geronimo Island on March isth. Larus glaucescens NAYMANN. Glaucous-winged Gull. Well distributed along the northern islands but not common anywhere; noted on San Martin, Todos San- tos and San Geronimo Islands March ruth to sth, aud on Guadalupe Island March 22nd. Larus occidentalis AuD. Western Gull. Noted on Todos Santos, San Martin, San Geronimo, Guadalupe, San Benitos, Cerros, Natividad, San Roque and As- cuntion Islands; common and breeding during the latter part of March and April. This is the only species of the genus found breeding on the trip. Larus californicus LAwa. California Gull. Noted only at Todos Santos Island, March toth, where it was not common. Larus heermani CAss. Heerman Gull. Common during March on Todos Santos, San Martin, San Geronimo and San Roque Islands, but giving no signs of breeding. This species is apparently common all along the west coast of Lower California during the entire summer, but we found uo breeding birds. Sterna maxima BODD. Royal Tern. Noted at Cerros Island April ist; at San Juanico Bay June 2th; near San Martin Island in July; apparently fairly common along the coast. Sterna elegans..GA. Elegant Tern. A small flock of these truly elegant birds was seen off San Domingo Point on.June 4th, and several were taken. They are not uncommon in the mainland lagoons, near Magdalena Bay. Sterna fuliginosa GMEL. Sooty Tern. On a large rock lying a few miles to the northward of Socorro Island this species was found on May 2th breeding in a vast colony, with downy young at this date, Anous st,olidus ridgwayi ANTrION. Ridgway Noddy. These birds occupied the same roclk near Socorro Island as the sooty terns, and were if anything more numerous than the'latter, having fresh eggs on May i2th. Diomedea nigripes AuD. Black-looted Albatross. Common all summer from San Diego south to Cape San Lazaro, both far out at sea and along the coast line; can be caught with a hook and line at almost any time. One was seen near Clar- ion Island in May. Diomedea immutabilis ROTHSCHILD. Laysan Albatross. One specimen was taken between Guadalupe and San Martin Islands on March 9th. Puffinus creatopus CovEs. Pink-footed Shearwater. Common off San Domin- go Point on June 4th. Puffinus opisthomelas Cou:s. Black-vented Shearwater. Common about San Martin Island March 2th; on Guadalupe Island March 22nd, breeding; on San Benito Island March 27th, breeding; on Natividad Island, April ruth, breeding in a a, 'f Brewster, Bi.r, ds of the Cape Region of I,,ower California. Bull. tIarv. Mus. Comp. Zool., XLI, 9o.

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