A Bi=lonth! ' llagazine Devoted to the Stud' and Protection of Birds Published for the National Committee of the Audubon Societies, as the official organ of the Societie Edited lay - - FI%ANIi M. CHAPMAN Audubou Departmeut edited by MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT aud WILLIAM DUTCHER Bird-Lore's Motto:--A bird in the bush is oortk tzoo in tke hand Rueed line cut of Rsw TOMP Swo's painting the Shrike. Preted eve subr Vol. VII, I$, oI The onehal is nrly !ire-size. F YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BIRDS YOU WILL BE INTER- ESTED IN !,D-LOI,E. Its pages are filled with descriptions of experiences with birds in field and forest from the pens of the writers who have won world wide fame as literary naturalists. A feature of the coming year will be a series of the plates by Bruce Hotsfall and Louis Agassiz Fuertes accurately illustrating The Warblers in Color with figures of the male, female, and young (when their plumages differ) of every North American member of this fascinating family. DOLLAR A YIAR, -o CINTS A COPY Send a a-cent stamp for a speetmen copy.' oo THE PtACILLAN CO., Publishers [or tle Audubon S?ieties FIFTH .PVENUF- NEW YORII CITY