VITtI 1905 The Warbler begins a new erh,s which will contain 111Riiy 8ll- erb Colored Pie. tea of rare eIk's such as irtland and Olive Warbl,.r, Ca. rolna Par- oquet. Clark'8 Crow. Ipgwich and Rufous Crowned Sparrow, Yellmy a. nd laek il. Calaveras WarbleL etc. Also sialeuclid illustrations of Birds and Nests. and lead- ing articles by well known authorities. Published Ouartoriy 32 Pages & Cover The Oologist Is Growzng Every Day Growing a Larger Subscription List Growing Better Every Day WHY? Because we aim to give our subscribers what they want as far as possible. If you are forming a collection of bird skins, birds eggs or bird photos; if you need bird literature; if you have any of these to dispose of; in any case you need Weteach the people interested in these hobbies every montl We keep you posted on the little things you cannot afford to miss. Try the ctOOLOIST a year and be convinced. Published every month, only 5 cents a year with free exchange or sale notice. Sample copy for stamp. AddresS, IRNIST H. SHORT Editor and Manager CIIIII .... NW YORK THE AMERICAN BIRD MAGAZINE Profusely illustrated with"Photographs of Wild Birds from Life. Fresh, inter- esting, and instructive Bird Literature. Everything original. Each number contains Ten !lirds in Natural Colors For identifications Monthly, $I.OO per year Single Copies IO cents Everyone subscribing now is entitled to a Life-sized Enlargement of the "Chippy almtly" in natural colors, on paper 12x2o inches. This is prob- ably the best Dhotog'raph ever taken of au entire family of live wild birds. SPECIAL To all who mention "The Coladot" we will send VoL I and II, and sub- scriptions for i9o3, with the "Chippy Family," for $.5 o. Address Amcrican Ornithology Wo,eeste,, .M[ass. MEALWORMS THE MOST delicious feed for Insect Eating Birds and Pheasants. Large yellow, alive, i,ooo, 7o cents; one quart (about 4,ooo) $2.oo. Express paid. Cash order can be had the whole year round. GEO. BUETTEL 7 West St., West Somerville, Mass. Southern Birds' Eggs in choice cabinet sets with standard data for sale very cheap or to ex- change. Swainsoh's and Hooded Warblers, Chuck Wills Widow, Am. Oystercatcher, Royal Tern, Wilson's Plover, Willet, Clapper Rail, Black Skimmer, etc. The largest and most valuable collection in the South and a corps of competent collectors. Stamp for list. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. DR. M. T. CLECKLEY,
57 Greene St., Augusta, Ga.