M6 Vo. VII
NoTE--The July-August issue is being print- ed as this number is nmiled. Directory of Members of the Cooper Ornithological Club Revised to May , 9o5. (Residence in California unless otherwise stated. Year following names signifies date of election.) HONORAR MEMBERS Belding, Lyman, Stockton. I896. Bryant, Walter E., 933 Healdsburg Ave., Santa. Rosa. 1894. ACTIVE MEMBERS Adams, Ernest, Box 238 Lincoln. 1896 . Anderson, Malcolm, P., Menlo Park. 19Ol. Applegrath, Miss May S., Haywards. 19o 5. Appleton, J. S., Simi, Ventura County. I9Ol. Arnold, Dr. Ralph, Geological Survey, Wash- ington, D.C. 1893. Atkinson, Win. L., 28E. Santa Clara St., San Jose. 1899. Bade, Win. F., 2223 Atherton St., Berkeley. x9o3. Bailey, Henry F., 94 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, 19o2. Bailey, H. H., 54 St., Newport News, Va. 19o3 . Bailey, Vernon, Dept. Agriculture, Washing- ton, D.C. 19o4. Barnwell, Reginald, Alhambra. 19o4. Barrett, S. A., 31Ol Hillegas Ave., Berkeley. 19o2. Bay, J. C., Haywards. I9o3. Beal, F. E. L., Dep't Agriculture, Washington, I). C. 19o3. Beck, Rollo H., Berryessa. 1894. Bell, Mrs. Ruby Green, Stanford Univ. I9O2. Bishop, Dr. Louis B., 356 Orange St., New Haven, Conn. 19o4. Bohlman, Herman T., 46 N. 9th St., Portland, Ore. 19o 3 , Bolton, A. L., 7oo Bonte Ave., Berkeley. I897. Boring, Miss Ora, Stockton. 19oi. Bowles, C. W., 4oi So. G. St., Tacoma, Wash. t9o3. Bowles, J. H., 4Ol So. G St.. Tacoma, Wash. 19o3. Brewster, William, 145 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. 19o4. Brown, Miss Alice M., Pacific Grove. 19o4. Brown, Herbert, Yuma, Arizona. 9o3. Bryan, Win. Alanson, Bishop Museum, Hono- lulu, I-I. T. 19o5. Bunnell, A. L., 2730 Dwight Way, Berkeley. 19o3. Burchain, J. S., Stanford University. 19oL Carpenter, Nelson, Stanford University. 19Ol. Carriger, Henry W., 486 Eddy St., San Fran- cisco. 1895. Chainberlin, Corydon, (No address at present). 1893. Chainberlin, Geo. D., (Noaddress at present) 1893. Chambers, W. Lee, Santa Monica. 1897. Chapman, Miss Bertha L., 404 Walsworth Ave., Oakland. X9Ol. Chapman, Frank M., Amer. Museum Natural History, New York City. 19o 3 . Cheney, E. S., 675 E. 25th St., Oakland. 19o4 . Childs, John Lewis, Floral Park, N.Y. 19o 4. Clark, Ulysses S., 952 South 6th St., San Jose. 1894. Clemens, Rev. Joseph, Monterey. 7903 . Clifton, H. T., Pasadena. 19o4. Coffin, Dr. W. V., State School, Whittier. 1899. Cohen, Donald A., Alameda. 1894. Colburn, A. E., 12o4 So. Main St., Los Angeles. 19o5. Cooper, Jas. S., 620 Eddy St., San Francisco. 19o3. Cummings, Claude, Pinole, Contra Costa Co. 1897. Currier, Ed. S., 607 So. J St., Tacoma, Wash. x9o4. Daggett, Frank S., 241 Rialto Bldg., Chicago, Ill. 1895. Davis, Evan, Orange. 1894. Dean, W. F., Three Rivers, Tulare Co. 79Ol. Deane, Ruthyen, 504 N. State St., Chicago, Ill. 19o4. Deane, Walter, 29 Brewster St., Cambridge, Mass. 19o4. D'Evelyn, Dr. F. W., 21o 3 Clinton Ave., Ala- meda. 19o5. Dille, Fred. M.. 644 Gilpin, Denver, Colo. i9o 3. Dixon, Joseph, 50 Worcester Ave., Pasadena. 19o4. Donnelly, Miss M. G., Vernal Ave., Piedmont. 19o5 Dutcher, William, 525 Manhattan Ave., New York City. 19o 5 . Dwight, Dr. Jonathan Jr., 2 E.34th St. ,New York City. 19o 4 . Eastman, F. B., Lieut. loth Inf., Ft. Wright, Spokane, Wash. 19o 4 . Elbert, H. H., Stanford University. 19o5. Emerson, W. Otto, Route i, R. F. D., Box 1, Haywards. x894. Eschenburg, Miss Ida M., 2445 Channing Way, Berkeley. 19o3 . Fair, Paul J., 567 Lincoln Ave., Palo Alto. 19o 5. Fuedge, John B., Ashfork, Ariz. 19o2. Finley, Win. L., 264 Madison St., Portland, Oreg. 19oo. Fisher, Dr. A. K., Dept. Agriculture, Washing- ton, D.C. 14. Fisher. Walter K., Palo Alto. 19oo. Flanagan, John H., 392 Benefit St., Providence, R.I. 19o4.