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Minutes of Club Meetings NORTHERN DIVISION THIRTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING AND DIN- NER.--The Club met on the evening of January I4, at Jules's Restaurant, 315 Pine St., San Fran- cisco. One honorary member, twenty-six act- ive members, and nine visitors were present. The meeting was called to order by president Taylor, and the election of officers was at once taken up. The following were unanimously elected to serve as officers for I9o5: president, Joseph Mailliard; senior vice-president, Miss Helen Swett; junior vice-president, Prof. J. O. Snyder; secretary, Chas. S. Thompson; treas- urer, Joseph Grinnell. An intermission was declared, and the banquet was attacked. Under the efficient supervision of Mr. Granger, the Club was served with an elaborate banquet. Covers were laid for thirty-six; favors were by Miss Chapman, and menus by Chas. S. Thomp- son. Speeches were made by retiring presi- dent Taylor, and president-'elect Mailliard. After dinner business was taken up, and the following were elected to active membership: W. A. Bryan, Honolulu, H. I.; E. A. Mearns, Washington, D.C.; E. S. Currier Tacoma, Wash.; C. P. Smith, Palo Alto, Cal.; P. J. Fair, Palo Alto, Cal.; H. H. Elbert, Stanford Uni- versity, Cal. The following were proposed for active mem- bership: Miss M. G. Donnelly, Piedmont, by Miss Chapman; Miss Ella Hall, io44 Magnolia St., Oakland, by Miss Chapman; C. F. Palmer, H. B. Humphrey, PaloAlto, by W.K. Fisher; Dr. F.W.D'Evelyn, Phelan Bldg., San Francisco, by Miss Swett; Miss K. V. Harker, Santa Bar- bara, by Miss Head; Miss M. S. Applegarth, Haywards, by W. O. Emerson; Carroll Scott, 3848Third St., San Diego, by W. K. Fisher. Mr. Emerson spoke on the new bird protec- tion bill, and Dr. D'Evelyn addressed the Club regarding the display of birds to be made at San Francisco by the Pacific Coast Forest, Fish and Game Association. President Mailliard appointed W. K. Fisher editor ot THE CONDOR for I905, with R. E. Shodgrass and Joseph Grinnell as associate editors, and Joseph Grinnell as business manager. Adjourned to meet March 7, I9O5. CHARLES S. THOMPSON, Secretary. MARCH.--The March meeting was held at the residence of Miss Anna Head, Berkeley, Cal., March I7. President Mailliard was in the chair, eleven members and one visitor being present. Owing to the absence of the Secre- tary, the program was first taken up, and Dr. L. Stejneger's paper, "The Future Aims of Or- nithology" was read. During the discussion the Secretary arrived, and the regular business was taken up. The following were elected to active membership: Miss M. G. Donnelly, Miss Ella Hall, C. F. Palmer, H. B. Humphrey, Dr. F. W. D'Evelyn, Miss K. V. Harker, Miss M. S. Applegarth, and Carroll Scott. The follow- ing were proposed for active membership: Win. Dutcher, Alden Sampson, Benj. T. Gault, J. t2. Tyler, and A. E. Price. The remainder of the program was then taken up, and Mr. Mailliard .gave a most interesting lecture on his collect- mg experiences with the birds of Chile. Adjourned to meet at San Francisco, April 29, 19o5. CHARLES S. THOMPSON, Secretary. SOUTHERN DIVISION ANNUAL MEETING.--The annual meeting of the Southern Division was held on the evening of January I2, at Throop Institute, Pasadena, and proved to be one of the most interesting and largely attended meetings held for some time. Eighteen mem- bers and two visitors were present, the presi- dent, Mr. Howard Robertson, occupying the chair. Mr. Waiter P. Taylor, Pasadena, Cal., was elected to active memberseip, and the ap- plication of Mr. William Gallaher, Santa Bar- bara, Cal., proposed by Mr. W. Lee Chambers, was read. The election of officers resulted as follows: J. Eugene Law, president; Harry J. Lelande, vice-president; H. T. Clifton, Secre- tary; W. Lee Chambers, division treasurer. It was decided to omit the meetings of the divis- ion for the summer months of July, August and September, retaining, with that exception, the monthly meetings, the May and October meet- ings to take the form of outing meetings. The program was opened by Mr. Grinnell with a short talk on "The Bohemian Waxwing," a skin taken by Mr. Philip Pinget, a club mem- ber, at Victorville, on the Mojave River, on De- cember 3I, I9O4, being exhibited, with one of the cedar waxwing by way of comparison. The remainder of the evening was occupied by Mr. William L. Finley, of the Northern Divis- ion, whom it was our great privilege to have with us, in a most interesting talk on, and ex- hibition of, his fine series of photographs of bird-life, taker in collaboration with Mr. Her- man T. Bohlman. The meeting then ad- journed to meet in Room t, City Hall, Los Angeles, Feb. 23, I9o5. H. T. CLIFTON, Secretary. FEBRUARY.--The February meeting was held February 23, i9o5, in Room i, City Hall, Los Angeles, fifteen members and five visitors being present. President Law presided. The follow- ing applications for membership were read: Henry W. Marsden, San Diego, Cal.; A. Wil- liamson, Pasadena; A. E. Colburn, Los Ange- les; F. C. Willlard, Tombstone, Ariz., proposed by Frank Stephens, C. H. Richardson, Jr., and O. W. Howard, respectively. William Gallc- hef, Santa Barbara, was elected to membership. Mr. William L. Finley gave a most interest- ing talk upon two phases of his work in the photography of bird-life, "Equipment Used" and "Wing Movement as disclosed by the Camera." Mr. Grinnell read interesting letters from Mr. R. C. McGregor, Philippine Islauds, and Mr. M.P. Anderson in northern Japan, descriptive of collecting conditions in those far eastern lands. H. T. CLIFTON, Secretary.

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