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Rufous Hummingbirds ............................ Iurerman T. -tlohlqnan- -Frontispiece Hummingbird Studies ...... William L. Finley, 6 photos by. Iureran T. Boblinen 59 The Future Problems and Aims of Ornithology--Letters from Prof. Alfred R. Wal- lace, Dr. L. Stejneger, and Dr. P. L. Sclater ................................ 62 Portraits of European Ornithologists: Dr. Anton Reichenow, Mr. H. E.Dresser, Prof. Count T. Salvadori, Dr. O. Finsob ................................. 67 In Aiaska' Rain Belt ..... - .................................... Wilfred 1if. Osgood 68 Midwinter Bird. s on the Mojave Desert ...... Joseph llailliard and Joseph Ginnell ................................................................ (3 photos) 7x Summer Birds of the Papago Indian Reservation and of the Santa Rite Mrs., Arizona ............................................. Harry S. Swarth (concluded) 77 FROM FIELD AND STUD.--Notes by Joseph Mailliard, Frank S. Dagett, Ver- mort Bailey. L. Belding, J. S. Hunter, E. I. Applegate,- W. W. Price, J. J. Williams, L. E. Taylor, W. F. Dean, Iarl Morris, R. 17. Rooney .......... 82.83 EDITORIAL NOTES.--Robin Notes, Letter from Prof. Ritter, Portraits of European Ornithologists ............................................................ 84 Minutes of Club Meetings ....................................................... 85 Directory of Members of Cooper Ornithological Club ............................. 86 $x. oo a Year x2 Issues The Plant World An Illustrated ronthly ragazine of Pop= ular Botany-' .- Established z897 The Official Organ of the Wild Flower Preservation Society of America If you are interested in botany [THE PLANT WORLD will interest you. If you are a teacher of botany, I pl&lqT WORLD will help you. THE PLANT WORLD will keep yon in touch with modern botanical thought. EDITED BY FRANCIS 13. LLOYD Professor of Botany Teachers College, Columbia University, New York Send for a Sample Copy BULLETIN OF THE Michigan Ornithological Club Alexander IV. Blain, Jr., Edilor f. Claire IVood and IValter B. Barrows, Associates Beginning with o5 the BULLETIN enters upon its sixth volutah and will be of more iuterest than ever to the bird student. The many contributions will bc enriched by original photographs of birds their nests and eggs. The BVLLET is devoted to the ornithology of the Great Lake Region and the present volume will contain many notes on the birds of the St. Clair Flats and other points of interest in this territory. If you arc interested ifi birds you should read the BULLErIN. ubseripllon, 50 Cents per Year ample Copy, 15 Cents FiEDE!21CK C. HUBEL Business Manager !! 2 Alexandrine Ave. Deftoil, Mich.

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