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The Prairie Falcon .............................. Louis qgassiz Fuertes Frontispiece A Note on the Prairie Falcon ............................. Louis 4.Cassiz Iertes 35 Do Birds Migrate Along Their Ancient Immigration Routes?... Leonhard Steinegret 36 Breeding Notes from New Mexico ....................... Florence fliertiara Z?ailey 39 Portraits of Dr. Philip Lutley Selater, Prof. Dr. Jean Cabaais, Mr. Howard Saunders, and Count yon Tsehusi zu Schmidhoffen ................................ 4I Some Bird Notes from the Central Sierras (concluded) ........... lmrles R. /(eyes 42 Fac-simile Page from First Draft of Bonaparte's Amerman Ornithology ........... 44-45 A Manuscript of Charles Lucian Bonaparte (with portrait) ........ I'. 0tto Emerson 46 Summer Birds of the Papago Indian Reservation and of the Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona (continued) ..................................... HarryS. Swartl: 47 lxlest of Golden 'Eagle, in a Bluff near Arroyo Grande, California(photograph) ............................................................... R. Z?. Illoran 5 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Notes by W. K. Fisher, Joseph Grinnell, S. H. Goodwin, H. W. Marsden, C. H. Richardson, Jr., J. S. Hunter, Joseph Mailliard, John J. Williams ............ 51-53 EDITORIAL NOTES California Bird Law, Notes on work of Sclater, Cabanis, Saunders and yon Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, etc ................................................ 54 From Field and Study {continued) ............................................ 55 News Notes .................................................................... 56 THE AMERICAN BIRD MAGAZINE Profusely illustrated with Photographs of Wild Birds from Life. Fresh, inter- esting, and instructive Bird Literature. Everything original. Each number contains Ten !irds in Natural Colors For identifications Monthly, $1.OO per year Single Copies IO cents Everyone subscribing now is entitled to a Life-sized Enlargement of the q2htppy Family  in natural colors, on paper x2x2o inches. This is prob- ably the best photograph ever taken of an entire family of live wild birds. SPECIAL   To all who mention Whe we will send Vol. I and II, and sub- scriptions for i9o3, with the "Chippy 'amily," for $2.5o. Address Amcrican 0rnith0101y M'R88o The Oologist Is Growing Every Da Gro?vtng a Larger Subscriplion ltst Growing Better F*,e;y Day WHY? Because we aim to give our subscribers what they want as far as possihle. Ifyou are forming a collection of bird skins. birds eggs or bird photos; if you need bird literature; if you have any of these to dispose of; in any case you need We reach the people interested in these hobhies every month. We keep you posted on the little things you caunot afford to miss. Try the "OOLOGIST' a year aud be cornlaced. Published every month, only 5o cents a year with free exchange or sale notice. Sample copy for stamp. Address, ERNEST H. SHORT Editor and Manager CHILl, NEW VORlt

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