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Now Out and on Sale[

Taylor's Standard American {;atalosve (Second ldition) Comprising u Directory ol lromincnl 0oligisls nd Co!Icctors' IIndbool Being a Correct Basis for the xchange of Nests and ggs Ornately printed in LARGE TYPE and just the thing for a hand check-list. con- taining much valuable information and with all changes in the A. O. U. List brought up to date. Size, 3 inches wide by 8 inches long, with IOO pages and cover. Valu- ations revised with assistance of over thirty prominent Oologists. A work indispensible to up-to-date collectors and students, handiest and best yet. Over 7,ooo words of text aside from list of birds. PRICE--25 Cents Only. For a short time five (5) copies will be mailed on receipt of one dollar. HENRY REED TAYLOR, Publisher ALAMEDA,     CALIFORNIA FOR SALE About one hundred and forty bird skins. For information write to MRS. CHAS. NICHOIS, 573 South Second St., San Jose, Cal. FOR SALE--The following first class sets with AI data. California Bush-Tit I-6, .5o; California Purple Finch  -75; Black Neck Stilt  .75; Northern Phalarope  I.5O; Texan Woodpecker, I-5 3.oo and Bryant's Marsh Sparrow, 2 sets with five for 3.oo each. C. IRWIN CLAY, Box 353, Eureka, Cal. WANTED--Original photos of Moqui Snake Dance and other ceremonies of North American Indians. illrust be oriffinaL Will give cash or good exchange in photos of Indian ruins, etc. for material I can use. E.R. FORREST, Washington, Wash. Co., Penn. WANTED--One copy each Osprey for May, June and July, r9o2. Will pay cash. Write stating price. MILTON S. RAY, 44 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. CHANGE OF ADDRESS---Please note change as below.--Richard C. McGregor, Bureau of Government Laboratories, Manila, P. I. The Oologist 15 Grolotng' Every Z)ay Grtrtoing' a Larger Subscr1tion List Growing Better Eveize Day WHY ? Because we aim to give our subscribers what they want as far as possible. Ifyou are forming a collection of bird skins, birds eggs or bird photos; if you need hird literature; if you have any of these to dispose of; in any case you need We reach the people interested in thee hobl,ies every month. We keep you posted on the little things you cannot afford to miss. Try the "OOLOGIST' a year and be convinced. Published every month, only 5 cents a year with Sample copy for stamp. Address, ISRNI$ST H. SHORT Editor and Manager CHili, N]$W YORK

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