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Nov., I9O 4 ]

THE CONDOR Sterna forsteri 48, fuliginosa 4 Stilt, Black-necked 48 Strix pratincola 23, 38 Sturnella magna neglecta neglecta 2, 5, 75, 77, o3 Sula cyanops 9 nebouxi 6 piscator 9 o, 93 sula 9 websteri 8 Swallow, Bank 77, 9, Barn 77, o5, 7 o Cliff 2x, 77, I25, 7o Northern Violet-green 2, 36, 7 o Rough-winged xo 5 Tree, 17o Violet-green to5 Swarth, H. S., occurrence of Scott oriole (Icterus parisornm) in Los Angeles Co., Cal. 25; review of his birds of the Huachucha Mts. Ariz., 80; the status of the Southern Califor- nia cactus wren 17 Swift, Chimney Vaux 7o White-throated t35, 7o Syruphernia semipahnata inornata 48 TACHCINETA thalassina lepida 2, o5, 36 Tanager, Louisiana Western t4, 77, o4, t36, 7o Tantalus loculator 39 Tatler, Wandering x6 Teal, Common 48 Telmatodytes palustris paludicola Tern, American Black 48 Black 5 Forster 48 Thrasher, Brown 2, 7 California 99, t36, I7 C rissal 44 Leconte 44, 95, 96 Pasadena Sage 2, 43, 77, o5 Thrush, Alice tl 9 Dwarf Hermit 23 Monterey Hermit Russet-backed o6, 7o Wood, Thryomanes bewicki charienturus 23, 44 eremophilus 44, 36 Thryorchilus 53 Thryothorus 53 Titmouse, Plain xo, 37 Totanus glareola 38 Towhee, Abert 43 Arctic t7 Anthony 23, 43 California t36, x7 Green-tailed 77, o4 Oregon o4 Spurred 23, t36, t7 Towne, George S., a water ouzel's nest m 9 Toxostoma crissalis 44, 74 lecontei, 44, 95 redivivium t36 pasadenense 23 rufum 2 Tree-duck, Fulvous 15 Tringa minutilla 38 pacifica 38 Trochilus alexandri 42 Troglodytes 53 browni 53 Tropic Birds, Red-billed to Turdus guttatus auduboni 8t Turnstone 119, 12o Black t6 Ruddy t6 Tvrannus tyrannus 2t, 77, xo3 verticalis 2t, 24, 5x, 77, IO3 vociferans 23 UaIA troile californica 62 Urubitinga anthracina 80 VERDIN, 45 Vesper Sparrow, Western 2, 23 Vireo, Cassin 6, 36, 7 o Plumbeons 7 Red-eyed 26, 7 Western Warbling o5, 7o Vireo gilvus swainsoni 5, o5 solitarius cassini 6, 36 Vulture, California 4, 50, 7 o Turkey 20, 22, 48, o2, 7 o WA. RBI,ER, Audubon 23, 43, Io5, t36, 7o Black-poll x9, x24 Black-throated Blue 22 Black -throated Gray 3 , t 05, x 36,  7  Calaveras 7 Connecticut H7 Dusky 16 Golden Pileolated 36 Lutescent 3 36 Palm 7 Pine' x  8 Pileolated o5, 7 Tennessee 7 Tolmie 6, o5, 36, 7 o Townsend 7t Yellow 2, 77, o5, 23, 7o Warren, E. R., a sand-hill crane's nest 39 Waxwing, Cedar 3, 77, 7o Way, W. Scott, California Audubon Society 4 Weed, C. M., notice of his bird-life stories, book one 82 Wheelock, Irene Grosvenor, review of her Birds of California 8 Whip-poor-will  70 Willet, Western 48 Wilsonia pusilia chryseola 36 pileolata 25, o5 oodpecker, Cabanis 35, 7o California 7o Hairy 72 Lewis o2, 7o

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