Nov., x9o41
THE CONDOR 179 Relative position during Routes of tt8 Some new facts about Variations in speed of I23 Miller, L. H., the Birds of the John Day Re- gion, Oregon Ioo Mimus polyglottus leucopterus 23, 25, 43, I36 Minutes of Club Meetings 54, II2, 73 Mniotilta varia 25 Mockingbird, Western 23, 43, I36, I7o Molothrus ater 2I, 77, Io3 Murre, California eggs of 68 Murrelet, Marbled 15 Myiarchus cinerasens 8I, 8=, m3 crinitus 8I lawrencei 8 nuttingi 8x, 82 yucatanensis 8 NELSON, E. W., notice of his new birds from Southern Mexico 82; photographs and work of 49; review of his Revision of the North American Mainland Species of Myiarchus Nesomimus 52 bauri 5 Nighthawk 8 Sennett 20 Western 77, Io3 Nucifraga columbiana 73 Numenius longirostris i6 tahiticrisis 9 I Nutcracker, Clarke 73, Nuthatch, Pigmy 36 Red-breasted I36 Slender-billed 36 Nyctalops wilsonianus I39 Nycticorax nycticorax navius 48 OBI'RHOLSER, }I. C., portrait and sketch of 98; notice of his Review of the Wrens of the Genus Troglodytes 53; notice of his Revis- ion of the American Great Horned Owls 52 Octodromas maculata x5 Oreortyx pictus 5 I plumiferus 35 Oreospiza chlorura 77, o4 Oriole, Bullock 2I, 77, Io3, 7 o Scott 22, 23, 25 Oroscoptes montanus 2x, 77, Io5 Osprey Io2 Otocoris alpestri sactia 23, So leucoltema 2I, 77 merrilli 52 Otus 53 Otus asio bendirei I35 Ouzel, Water 5o, IO9 Owl, American Barn 38, 7o American Long-eared 22 Barred 7 o Burrowing 2o, 22, 76, o2, x7 o California Screech I35, 7 o Elf 45 Flammulated Screech 5 Great Horned 38 Long-eared I3, 76 Pacific Horned 42, I35, I7o Pigmy I35 Short-cared 22 Western Horned Io2, 7 o PANDION halietus carolinensis 48, Partridge, Valley 22 Parus gambeli 73, Io5, I37 Passer domesticus 8i Passerculus rostratus 16 gutrata halophilus III sandwichensis alaudinus Passerella iliaca schistacea 8I Pedicecetes phasianellus campestris columbianus Ioi Pelecanus erythrorhynchus 48, I26 Pelican, American White 48 Petrochelidon lunifrons 2I, 5x, 77 Pewee, Western Wood Io3, I35, x7o Phaethou tethereus io Phainopepla I6, 43, I36 Phainopepla nitens x6, 43, I36 t'halacrocorax dilophus albociliatus 64 pelagicus respleudens 65 penicillatus I'halaenoptilus nuttalli 77, Io3 californicus 23, 24, I35 Phalarope, Wilson iS, 48 Phalaropus lobatus 38 Phlogtenas luzonica I6o Phoebe, Black 23, 42, I7o Say 23, 42 , 77, IIi, I7o Pica hudsonica 2i, 77, Io3 nuttalli 24 Pigeon, Band-tailed Ira, x35 Pintail 48, [23 I'ipilo aberti 43 crissalis 5 I, I36 senicula 43 fuscus carolte III senicula 23 maculatus oregonus 5, lO4 megalonyx 23. [36 Pipit, American 23, 43, Piranga ludoviciana i4, 5I, 77, Io4, I36 Plotus melanogaster I6I Plover, American Golden Snowy 48, I39 Polioptila californica 23, 45 cverulea obscura 23, 45, I37 plumbea 45 Polyborus cheriway o6 Pocecetes gramineus confinis 2, 23, lO 4 Poor-will 77, Io3 Dusky 23, I35, I7o Porzana iamaicensis 38 Price, W. W., some winter birds of the high Sierras 7 Progne subis 2I hesperia 75, 8I