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THE CONDOR VoL. VI bryanti 17, 18, 19, 51, 52 couesi 51, 52 Helminthophila celata lutestens 131, 136 sordida 6 Hermit thrush, Dwarf 23 Monterey 25 Heron, Black-crowned Night 48 Great Blue 48 Heteractitis incanus 16 Hesperiphona vespertinus montanus o4 Himantopus mexicanus 48 Hitundo erythrogastra 21, 51, 77, lO5 Histrionicus histrionicus 15 Horned Lark, California 23 Dusky 52 Pallid 2, 77 House Finch 23, 42 , 77 San Clemente 16 Howard, O. W., the Coues flycatcher as a guardian of the peace 79 Itummingbird, Allen 35, 17 Anna 23, 42 Black-chinned 42 Costa 42 rufous 17 Hunter, J. S., an ornithological comparison of the Pajaro valley in California with Sioux county iu Nebraska 68; records from the vi- cimty of Watsonville, Cal. 24 Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis 5, 48 Hylocichla guttata nana 23, 45 slevini 25 ustulata 76, lO6 ustulata 25 ICIER1^ virens longicauda 12, 51, 75, 185 Icterus bullocki 21, 77, 78, lO3 parisorum 22, 23, 25 Ibis, Wood 39 JACKSON, Willis H., the western evening gros- beak at Pescadero, San Mateo Co., Cal. 78 Jaeger, Pomafine 5 Jay, Blue-fronted 72, 36 California 23, 94, 136 , 17 Pinyon lO3, 17 Jenkins Hubert O., Bell sparrow (Ampispiza belli) in Santa Clara Co., Cal. o9; record of the Monterey hermit thrush (Hylocichla guttata slevini) 25 Johnson, A. W., notes on unusual uesting sites of the Pacific yellowthroat 129 Junco, Point Pinos 17 Sierra 23, o8, 36 White-winged 71 Junco hyemalis thurberi 23, 51 , lO8, 136 shufeldti o 4 KELSEY, F. W., a visit to Torrey pines 138 Killdeer, 20, 48 Kingbird 2, 77, lO3 Arkansas 21, 77, 17o Cassin 23 X, Vestern lO3 Kingfisher, Belted 6, 76, lO2,172 Texas 72 Kinglet, Ashy 25, 45 Ruby-crowned 14, 23, o5 Western Golden-crowned 163 Kite, White-tailed 139, 7o LARK, Pallid Horned 77 Lark, Sparrow, Western 2, 23, 42, 77, lO4, 17o Larus argentatus smithsonianus 99 californicus 48, 99 franklini 99 occidentalis 65, 127 Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides 2, 43, 77, 36 gambeli 23 ' mearnsi iii Laysan Island 57, 89, 114, 144, 151 Littlejohn, Chase, the capture of Totanus glare- ola in Alaska 138 Lophortyx californicus 51, 34 vallicolus 22, 41 gambeli 41, 80 Longspur, Chestnut-collared 21 McCown 17 Loxia curvirostris bendirei 16, 73 Lunda cirrhata 65 McGREGOR, Richard C., notice of his birds from Benguet Province, Luzon, and from the islands of Lubang, Mindoro, Cuyo, and Cagayancillo 82; an early notice of Philippine birds 159 Magpie, Black-billed 2, 77, lO3, 48, 7 yellow-billed 7o Mailliard, Joseph, a few records supplemeutary to Grinnell's Check-list of California Birds 14; California Jays and Cats 94 Mallard 48, 123 Man-o'-war Birds 9, 58 Mareca americana 48 Marsh Ilawk 17 Martin, Purple 2, 172 Western 17 Merula migratoria propinqua 23, 45, 51, 77, lO6, 137 Meadowlark, Western 2, 23, 77, lO3, 7o Mearns, Edgar A., birds of Fort Custer, Mon- tana 20 Megapodius cumingi 159 Megascops asio cineraceus 46 macfarlanei lO2 flammeola 50 Melanerpes erythrocephatus 20 formicivorus bairdi 75 uropygialis 46 Melospiza cinerea cooperi 23, 43 morphana o 4 lincolni 24 Micropallas whitneyi 45, 80 Migration, Casualties during 17 Causes of H6 Distance of H8 Relation to temperature 123

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