Nov., 9o4[
THE CONDOK I77 Finch, House 42, 77, Io4, I36 Purple Io4, I36 Finley, William L., the lutescent warbler I3I; two Oregon warblers 3; the black-headed grosbeak I45 Fisher, A. K., review of Swarth's birds of the Huachuca Mountains, Arizona 80 Fisher, Walter K., Aythya collaris in San Mateo Co., Cal. 25; California vulture in San Mateo Co., Cal. 50; notes on birds of the Hoopa Valley, Cal. 50; notice of Silloway's Additional Notes to Summer birds of Flat- head Lake, 82; notice of Weed's Bird Life Studies, Vol. I, 82; notice of Mr. Gregor's Birds from Benguet Province, Luzon, and from the Islands of Lubang, Mindoro, Cuyo, and Cagayancillo, 82; notice of Descriptions of New Birds from Southern Mexico, by E. W. Nelson, 82; notice of New Grouse from California, by Frank M. Chapman, 82; notice of Oberholser's A review of the Wrens of the Genus Troglodytes, 53; notice of Oberholser's A Revision of the American Great Horned Owls, 52; notice of Nelson's A Review of the North American Mainland Species of the Genus Myiarchus, 8I; Review of Birds of Fer- gus Co., Montana, by P.M. Silloway 52; road-runners eat young mockingbirds, 79; Review of Shodgrass and Heller's paper on Galapagos Birds, 52; the albatross dance at sea, 78; the home life of a buccaneer [man-o'-war bird], 57; three boobies inter- viewed, 89; two unusual birds at Stan- ford University, Cal. Io8; albatross pictures I5I; northern flicker at Auburn, Cal. I72 Flicker, Northern i72 Red-shafted 2o, 23, 42, 76, Io2, I35, 7o Flycatcher, Ash-throated Io3 Coues 79 Olive~sided I35, Io8 Traill Io 3 Scissor-tailed x73 Western I36 Flamingo Io Fregata aquila 57 Frigate Birds 9 Fulica americana 48 GADWALL 15 Galapagos Islands, bird life among 5 Gallinago delltara 48, 78 Gallus gallus I6i Geococcyx californianus 23, 42, 79, 55 Geothylpis triohas arizela 3I, I29 occidentalis io 5 tolmiei I6, 25, 5 I, io5, i36 Geospiza 52 Geospiza fortis 52 fortis fortis 52 fratercula 52 pachyrhyncha 5 Gilman, M. French, the Leconte thrasher 95 Glaucidium gnoma I35 Gnatcatcher, Black-tailed 23, 45 Plumbeous 45 Western 23, 45, I37 Golden-eye, American x5 Barrow I5 Goldfinch xo 4 Goldfinch, American 17 Arkansas 23, 42 , 126 Lawrence I36 Pale 2I Villow 23 Goodwin, S. H., about the Utah gull 99 pelicans nesting in Utah lake I26 Goose, Canada x23 Grackle, Bronzed 2I Grosbeak, Black-headed 35, 77, Io4, H8, I36 , i7 Western Evening 2i, 5o, 78, Io4 Grebe, Holbcell I2 Grinnell, J., dusky horned lark in Lake Co. 52: midwinter birds at Palm Springs, Cal. 4 review of Birds of California, by Irene Gros- venor Wheelock 8I; the ashy kinglet Grouse, Dusky 87, IOI Richardson 2o Columbian Sharp-tailed Prarie Sharp-tailed 2o, I7o Sage 2o, 48, io2 Sierra I35 Willow 2o Grus mexicana 39 Gull, American Herring 99 California 48, 99 Franklin 99 Western 65, 66 Guillemot, Pigeon 66, 67 Guiraca caerulea io 4 Gymnogyps californianus 4, 24, 5 HXIR Woodpecker 72 Hanna, Wilson C., Nevada notes 47, 76 Hawk, Cooper 42 , i35 , i7 Desert Sparrow 2o. 22, 48, Duck 17o Ferruginous Rough-leg i7 Fish 48 Krider 17o Marsh 20, 22 I7o Pigeon 22 Sharp-shinned 42, I7o Sparrow I35 , 17o Swainson 48, I7o Western Red-tailed 22, I39, I7o Western Sharp-shinned 22 Head, Anna, nesting habits of the black-headed grosbeak 35 Heleodytes affinis 19, 51, 52 anthonyi 5I, 52 iii brunneicapillus 23, Iii brunneicapillus anthonyi 17, 18, x 9 couesi I9, 44, III