Nov., 9o41
THE CONDOR IND?X 175 ACADEMY of Sciences, California notice of ex- emption from taxation x4o Accipiter cooperi 42, x35 velox rufilatus 22, 42 Actiris nmcularia 20, 48 Advisory Committee of Cooper Club .,gialitis nivosa 48, x39 YEgialitis vocifera 2o, 48 Aeronautes melanoleucus 25, x35 Agelaius phceniceus 77 Aimophila ruficeps x36 Ajaja ajaja t39 Albatross, dance of at sea 78 dance of on Laysan island I55 Albatrosses of Galapagos Islands IX of Laysan island I5I Ampelis cedrorum I3, 77, IO5 garrulus 74 Amphispiza belli nevadensis 23, 79, 80, x36 bilineata deserticola 24, 43, 77 nevadensis 43 Arias boschas 48 Antbus pensilvanicus 23, 43 Aphelocoma californica 23. 5 I, 75, I36 Aquila chryszetos I67 Archibuteo ferrugineus 24 Ardea herodias 48 Arenaria morinella i6 melanocephala i6 Asio accipitrinus 22 magellanicus 53 magellanicus algistus 53 heterocnemis 53 icelus 53 lagophonus 53 pacificus 53, x35 pallescens 53 nianus 53 Asio wilsonianus I3, 22, 76, 80 Astragalinus psaltria 23, 42 hesperophilus iii, x36 lawrencei I36 tristis pallidus 2x salicamans 23, IO4 Asyndesmus torquatus io2, W5 Audubon Society, California Auklet, Cassin 65 Auriparus flaviceps 45 Avocet 48 Aythya collaris 24, 25 vallisneria 48 BEPHOLUS inoratus ixo, I37 restrictus i i i Bailey, Florence Merriam,. twelve rock wren nests in New Mexico 68; a dusky grouse and her brood in New Mexico 87; portrait and. sketch of I37 Baldpate 48 Barn Owl, American 23 Barn Swallow 2x Beal, Prof. F. E. L., photograph and account of work of x7 Beck, R. H., bird life among the Galapagos Islands 5 Belding, Lyman, explanatory 74 Bittern, American 48 Blackbird, Brewer 2x, 23, 77, xo3, x7o Red-winged 77, Rusty x6 Yellow-headed 77 Bluebird Mountain 45, xo6, Western 45, xo6, x37 Bobolink x8, 9, 5o Bob-white 8, Bohlman, Herman T., illustrations for two Oregon warblers 3x; for the lutescent warbler x3x; for the black-headed grosbeak x45 Booby, Blue-faced 70 Common 94 Red-footed 93 Webster 8 Variegated 8 Botaurus lentiginosus 48 Bowles, J. H., nesting of the western golden- crowned kinglet in western Washington x63 Brachyramphus marmoratus x5 Brown, Herbert, elf owl in California 45 Bryan, William Alanson, Wilson snipe, Gallin- ago delicata (Ord.),in the Hawaiian Islands 78 Bubo 53 Bubo virginianus pacificus 42, xo2 Budytes flavus alascensis I i i Bunting, Indigo i2i Lazuli IO4, I7O Burchain, J. S., notes on the habits of the water ouzel (Cinclus mexicanus) 5o Bush-tit, California 23, 45, Buteoborealiscalurus 22, 42, 48, 5I, xxo, i35 , swainsoni 48, CACATUA hematuropygia Cactornis 52 Cactospiza 52 Calcarius ornatus 2 Calypte anna 23, 42, 78, 80, iii cost ze 42 Camarhynchus 52 Camera Hunters, American Association of 4 Canyon Wren, dotted 44 Canvas-back 48 Caracara xo6 Cardinal H8 Carpodacus cassini 36 clementis I6 mexicanus frontalis 42, 23, 5x, 77, 78, 8x, xo 4, 36 purpureus californicus